listen to daddy

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Nishinoya waved his hand in front of the girl's face, finding her leaning against the wall in the middle of the deserted corridor. "Man you good?"

She honestly had no words. "I'm still trying to process, gimme a moment."

"Was the dick that good" he gushed, excitement seeping into his voice as he glanced at the closed door. "One look at your face tells me that shit went down."

That was an understatement. "You're... you're not wrong" she muttered, finding it a hard time staying on her feet without her knees buckling. "So what happened?" asked Nishinoya, tying the sweater around her hips, a bright grin splayed across his face. "Was it beyond your expectations or-."

The door next to them opened and out stepped Kuroo and Bokuto, laughing about something. Catching sight of them, the two teachers faltered, exchanging secretive smirks. Kuroo was holding his tie, temporarily unable to use it much to her embarrassment.

Bokuto smiled widely, an innocent expression washing over his face as if he didn't just have his tongue and fingers shoved deep inside of her.

She thought about the kiss that they shared and felt her cheeks heat up, looking away from them, she tried to not let her mind wander wildly. The raven-haired man felt his leer slip slightly when he saw the black pullover around (Y/N) 's waist, eyebrows furrowing, he recognized it almost instantly.

Since he happened to have bumped into the owner not too long ago. Bokuto seemed to be thinking along the same lines.

Their smiles tightened.

"Have a nice day you two" bid Kuroo kindly, setting down the corridor with his eccentric companion in tow, acting casual and pretending to be nonchalant.

"D-don't tell me..." stuttered Nishinoya, eyes comically wide as he watched after them. "You were in there with them?" he managed to choke out, slumping against the wall himself. "Lord have mercy I'm about to bust."

Falling to his knees, he started bowing and praying after their retreating backs. "Thank you for bestowing this gift upon us, we are eternally grateful and will cherish this-."

Bokuto looked over his shoulder, hips swinging sinfully, curiously taking one last glance at (Y/N) but was surprised to see Nishinoya struggling to tie his shoelaces as the younger boy rolled around, panic coating his face as he attempted to play it off as if he wasn't just praying to the Gods.

The two men walked around the corner, their chatter going lighter the farther they went until they could no longer be heard. Her shoulders started shaking in silent laughter when Nishinoya tripped over his feet in his hurry to get up from the floor. "Those men should be considered a sin."

"You didn't just get one but two of them" he cried. "So they dick you down good?"

A complete 180 turn, the boy had his face right in front of hers, smile and eyes shining so brightly that she felt as if she was going to go blind. "Actually they uh, they didn't." (Y/N) briefly told him what happened, not going into explicit detail but by the end Nishinoya looked like he was about to faint.

"Is that what heaven feels like?" he swooned, melting to the floor and giggling like crazy. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. A sudden thought surfaced through her mind because she started swearing under her breath. "Shit I was supposed to see Miya sensei during lunch about the history essay. He was going to give me some books."

"You sure that's just not another way to say dick appointment?"

Kicking Nishinoya, he rolled away from her feet. Squealing and attempting to dodge, "Rolling thunder!" he yelled, tumbling away from the raging girl. "You'll never be able to catch me bitch."

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