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Terushima grinned cheerfully, beckoning the boy over to his desk as the others were leaving the classroom. Bounding over, the young male moved his head in question. "Yes sensei?"

"Do you mind if I talk to you for a few minutes? I just wanted to discuss some things with you." Nishinoya's lips split into a smile. He looked behind him at (Y/N), jerking his head at the door. 'Go ahead. I'll catch up' he mouthed.

The girl looked between the two of them for a moment before listening. Terushima smirked at her, sending a cheeky wink as she dropped her gaze and walked out the room quickly. "I have to say" started the hazel-eyed man once the classroom was empty. "You're causing quite the trouble.."

Nishinoya looked abashed, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "If it's about the last homework I swear I'll fi-."

Terushima cut in, effectively stopping the boy mid-sentence with a laugh. "It's not about that."

Sitting atop his desk, he met Nishinoya's eyes, licking his lips slowly as if in thought. "It's come to our attention that you know something you shouldn't."

The boy's smile didn't falter, if anything it grew even bigger. "You guys have a problem with it?". Quirking an eyebrow, he inclined his head boldly. "Am I gonna get in trouble now?"

Terushima grinned with all his teeth, amused by Nishinoya's boldness. "Well that's where I come in. I've been given a pretty special order so you'll be dealing with me."

Crossing his arms, the younger boy evenly looked at his teacher, body relaxed and casual as if they were discussing a simple subject such as today's weather. "So you're gonna keep me quiet?" he prompted.

Terushima shrugged his shoulders, chuckling lightly. "If you manage to stay quiet that is" he winked, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. "However you don't seem the type to."

Nishinoya's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "I can be quiet thank you very mu-."

Terushima rolled his eyes playfully before tugging the front of the boy's shirt, pulling him closer to stand between his legs and pressing a soft kiss against Nishinoya's lips. Stiffening up, the boy froze, his mouth forming a small 'o' once the honey-blonde man pulled away. "I think you understand where I'm going with this?" Terushima 'hmmed', tongue briefly making an appearance between his lips.

Nishinoya blinked a few times, processing what just happened. Suddenly without a verbal response, he grabbed the man's tie and pulled him in for another kiss - this one more passionate.

Terushima made a little noise of surprise, rumbling at the back of his throat as Nishinoya took initiative of the kiss, using his tongue to flick against his expertly. Pulling away, the boy's teeth snagged the man's bottom lip, making Terushima moan breathlessly.

"Show me what you've got sensei."

Terushima's eyes were dark, lips swollen and coated with spit as the teacher rested on his knees, running his tongue along the underside of Nishinoya's cock. A firm hand was fisted in his blonde locks, pulling whenever a groan of pleasure would leave the boy's mouth.

Chest shuddering, Nishinoya threw his head back, low curses leaving his mouth whenever the hazel-eyed man would use a hint of his teeth to run along the prominent veins. Terushima dragged his tongue across the head's tip, right over the slit oozing with pre-cum.

Gently squeezing Nishinoya's thighs, he took all of him in, feeling the cock brush against the back of his throat. He hollowed his cheeks, sucking and moving his jaw smoothly. "This feels like one of my wet dreams I swear" panted the boy above him, dragging his fingernails along Terushima's scalp.

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