eat you alive

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NISHINOYA QUICKLY SCRAMBLED to his feet, tripping slightly and staggering forwards. "Shi-, sorry sensei. We were just talking about uh-", mild panic began to seep into his voice as his eyes darted around in hopes of finding something.

"We were talking about the, um, the history of leather" he finished lamely.

Miya Osamu was not impressed.

Grey eyes narrowing at the blatant lie, the history teacher looked around at the books that were on the shelves. "So you were discussing the history of leather whilst in the middle of the languages section?"

Nishinoya's face fell, gaze dropping to (Y/N) who all but gave up, wanting nothing more than the floor to swallow her whole. She hid her face away, wishing to cease existing in that very moment. "Uh yeah, the Spanish were the ones to um, specialize in it", ending with a mumble, he nervously chuckled.

Osamu refused to let the amusement display across his face, fixing his stare on the girl who began to slowly sit up from the floor, his voice turned smooth. "Leather was developed by the Ancient Egyptians and the Romans."

The boy sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "I might have mixed up the information."

"Nishinoya, go back to class and get a proper start on your essay. I need to talk to (L/N) about hers since she failed to meet me during lunch yesterday."

Words stern, the greynette left no room for argument but Nishinoya didn't even protest, quickly grabbing his bag. Shooting (Y/N) an apologetic look, he diligently walked past their history teacher and out of sight.

Nishinoya you traitor.

She got to her feet, unable to look the man directly in the eye after he caught them procrastinating in the worst way possible. "I'm really sorry about not coming during lunch yesterday. It completely slipped my mind. It wasn't intentional."

He didn't say anything at first, choosing to survey the books lining the shelves. Until the telltale sound of the door closing, did he finally react.

Osamu nimbly pulled out a book from the shelf, opening it to a random page and scanning it with interest. "You didn't come by my classroom but you surely did come, from what I heard."

Heart leaping to her throat, she suddenly met his probing stare. He ignored the book in his hand, finger lightly running along the page. "Tell me, did Kuroo's and Bokuto's fingers slip as well by any chance?"

Abruptly snapping the book shut, Osamu's eyes burned with mild humour, the corner of his lips pulled upwards in a lopsided smirk. "History of leather" he 'hmmed' absent-mindedly, putting the book back to it's place. "Sakusa got to you didn't he? No disruptions during class my ass."

"I'm starting to think you all share everything between yourselves."

Regarding the girl coolly, his eyes trailed her up and down slowly. "It's crucial let's say. Otherwise how else are we going to keep track? It's also a way to show off since boys can't resist outdoing each other."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, leaning on one leg whilst trying her best to school her features. But truthfully, she was freaking out on the inside. This is the second time she's finding herself alone with one of the teachers - grant that Sakusa isn't one and judging from the way Miya sensei was leaning against the shelf; he wasn't about to let her leave anytime soon.

"What, are you all five or something?" she found herself saying, clearly not thinking as the words spilled so carelessly. (Y/N) tensed up, registering what she said and to her slight mortification - he laughed.

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