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Nishinoya stuck his nose in the air, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a petulant huff. "How dare he do that to my baby."

(Y/N) sat on her bed, an amused smile playing on her lips as she watched the boy pace around her room, throwing his hands in the air dramatically. "How scandalous, simply atrocious."

"I'm surprised you even know what those words mean" she pointed out. "Yet alone how to use them in a sentence."

He stuck out his tongue childishly. "What can I say, I still manage to surprise you bitch."

He suddenly jumped on her bed, grabbing the girl's hands and leaning in close as if to whisper a very important message meant for her ears only. Turning serious, all laughter faded away to be replaced by a stern expression. "There is something I must know" he started lowly, look of intense concentration sliding across his face. "Purely for academic purposes;

"How big was he?"

(Y/N) burst out laughing, falling sideways to splay across her bed. "Tell me how are you going to use this information academically?"

Nishinoya straightened his back, formally placing his hands on his lap. "Well I'll use it for Biology. Find a cucumber that matches it and well see how um osmosis or whatever the fuck works."

Sharing one look and the two of them fell into a heap of laughter, unable to contain themselves. "You absolute dumbass, that's not how osmosis works. You gonna measure the water concentration of a cucumber based off the size?"

"No based off how much of it can fit inside me genius."

Throwing a pillow at him, the girl squealed loudly. Nishinoya dived off the bed, rolling across the floor in an attempt to dodge the onslaught of pillows that flew at him. "Oka- Yo okay, fuck how many pillows do you even sleep with" he yelped.

Catching one in his hand, he hugged it to his chest, a cheeky grin bearing down on her. "For real though, how big?"

She rolled her eyes, making a rough measurement with her hands to show him what she remembered from memory. Looking up at him, she blinked.

"Noya your nose is bleeding."

The energetic male fell over, she swore she saw his soul leave his body as he melted into a puddle. "That's not a dick, that's a tripod. You think he was a horse in his past life?"

(Y/N) stood up from the bed, stepping over Nishinoya's unmoving body to start collecting her pillows. "Lowkey I wouldn't have been surprised."

"Horse dick or not, he was still an ass for just leaving without permanently disabling you. Man I was on standby with a wheelchair ready. Maybe I'll break his knees so it won't go to waste entirely."

Standing up, he slumped across her bed, gazing up at the ceiling. Throwing her pillows on the bed, she laid down next to him. "I'd like to see you try and break his knees short-stack" she teased. "You can barely look at the man without crying."

Nishinoya sighed. "I need some good dick. Futakuchi can't blow for shit, surprising for a guy who can't stop running his mouth. You'd think he'd be able to put it to good use."

She snorted loudly, solemnly patting his shoulder. "My sincerest apologies. Your horse dick shall find you someday."

"This is why older men are so much better" he moaned sadly. "They actually know how to please". Nishinoya sat up quickly, eyebrows furrowed as he pondered. "Hold up" he started hurriedly, leaping off her bed and running over to her desk. He looked at the wall that had her timetable stuck to it.

Sitting up, she observed him curiously. "What are you doing?"

"Checking when our next lesson with Ushijima sensei is" he replied without breaking his gaze away from the timetable. "Dammit, we don't have him tomorrow however we do have him on Friday so I guess that will work."

(Y/N) walked over to him, leaning against his shoulder. "What will work?"

"You are going to get even with them."

Nishinoya turned his head to face her, a devious smile beginning to blossom as she saw a chaotic idea form behind his shining eyes. "If they think they can get away with pulling this shit then you're gonna prove them wrong. You are going to take control of the game."

Taken aback, uncertainty flashed across her face. "And how would I do that?"

"Make them work for it" he smirked. "If they want to win this, they're gonna have to put in a lot more effort. So tease them, flirt with them until to the point they beg for you. Be the bad bitch that I know you can be deep down inside."

She bit her lip, still unsure. Nishinoya saw her face fall as his own expression softened. Grabbing her face, he leaned their foreheads together. "You're the most stubborn person I know. If you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything. You just need to learn to be more confident and I think that this can actually help you."

Thinking it over, she took a deep breath, meeting his bright eyes. "I'll try my best."

Nishinoya's smile widened, he pressed a small kiss to her forehead. "That's my girl."

He raised his pinky, wiggling the little finger. "If you ever feel like it's too much just remember I'm always here. We're stuck in this together and if they try to hurt you I swear right now, despite their absolutely stunning beauty, I'll kill them..."

She laughed lightly, wrapping her own pinky around his. "...Nobody dares to hurt you or they deal with me. Never underestimate what a short person can do when they're angry. I'll break all their kneecaps."

Shaking their pinkies, Nishinoya took one last look at the timetable. "We got English, Biology, History, Math and Chemistry tomorrow" he 'hummed'. Walking over to her wardrobe, he threw it open. "If I remember correctly..."

Rummaging around, he threw pieces of clothing out much to (Y/N)'s displeasure. "Oya what do you think you're doing?"

Nishinoya popped his head around, a grin that just spoke of trouble spreading across his lips. He pulled out an article of clothing, holding it up for her to see clearly. The girl's cheeks flushed, a look of horror crossing her face. "Oh hell no."

"Oh yes" he barked, putting a hand on his hip. Cocking his head to the side, an air of smugness settled around him. "We're gonna kill two birds with one stone."

Nishinoya held a red satin bra in his hand with a pair of panties to match in a complete set, displaying it like a priceless artifact on a pedestal.

"Tomorrow you're gonna take out the twins." 

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