his sugar

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Nishinoya had his hands on his hips, pacing the empty classroom. "Shit must have happened."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully, taking another bite out of her apple. "Probably, but what though?"

He stopped pacing, turning his body to face her. "Man, I was watching them today. Miya, Bokuto and Ushijima sensei didn't even look or acknowledge you. Hell, even Akaashi sensei acted weird for some reason. I'm telling you, shit went down. Maybe the twins stepped over the line or something, I don't know..."

"And Sakusa fucking me in his office wasn't stepping over the line?"

Ignoring her, Nishinoya slumped into a vacant seat, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "...Like what could have possibly happened in a single afternoon for them to go from running after, to ignoring you."

She thought it over too, it was a little odd. All of today was very... peaceful to say the least. Going back to how it was before the game ever started. There was some form of tension in the air but other than that, not a single thing happened. It was as if they were giving her the cold shoulder and she had no idea why.

"Maybe they put a stop to the bet?" she suggested, playing with the apple in her hand. "Or they're taking a break?"

He shook his head, sprawling across the chair lazily. "It feels like something is gonna happen. They give me that 'we're preparing for something' typa vibe. I could be wrong but..."

Nishinoya trailed off, aimlessly staring at the ceiling as he balanced on the chair. "...It feels different."

A few seconds passed where neither one of them spoke, just thinking to themselves. "You think they're gonna do something?"

"Truthfully..." he started unsurely, chewing on his bottom lip. "... I think they will. So you better say goodbye to that pussy."

She was never going to outwardly admit that that didn't sound so bad unless she wanted Nishinoya wiggling his eyebrows for the rest of his life, having that 'I told you so' smugness around him.

The bell rang, meaning that lunch had come to an end which left only one lesson before the week was finally done.

Nishinoya got to his feet, yawning. "Now its time for the best class, filled with sexual fantasies of Iwaizumi sensei railing me against the piano. Have fun in art."

(Y/N) shook her head, grabbing her backpack. "Yeah, yeah. Maybe I'll even draw a portrait of him so you can jerk off to it every night."

"I don't need a portrait to do that" he chirped cheerfully over his shoulder. "All I need to do is to listen to Beethoven and then I'm ready to make my music."

"I did not need to know that" she replied with a disgusted scrunch of her face.

"Hey you asked so only got yourself to blame."

"Shut up."

(Y/N) sat at her usual place in the art room, working on a piece that's been taking quite a while to finish but hopefully she'd be able to get it done soon.

Tendou sensei walked around the room, looking at everyone's work, offering suggestions here and there on how to improve it however he didn't come to her - not even once.

It didn't really bother her, if anything it gave her a peace of mind. Immersed in her work, the lesson flew by quickly until everyone was cleaning and packing away with excitement hanging from their shoulders now that the weekend has arrived.

Cleaning her table, she walked over to the sink, washing the paint palette and resting it there to dry. Turning around, she was surprised to see Tendou sensei standing next to her table, peering down at her sketchbook whilst everyone else slowly left the classroom.

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