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After the long car ride, we finally found ourselves in the parking lot. I stretched when I got out of the seat before going and opening the door for Beth, who was already unbuckled and had her small backpack on. 

"Ready, Freddy?" I lift her out of the car and set her down.

"Donut time," she grins before running over to her brother who was waiting for us with his fingers shoved into his jean pockets. I follow Bee over to him and we all walk to the main building, Sam resting his hand on the small of my back as we walk through the door. The fluttering hits my stomach like a ton of bricks, but I decide to just ignore it and get in line, holding Bee's shoulders in front of me. 

"What are you getting?" She looks up at me and I shrug.

"What do you suggest?" I ask.

"All of it," she grins and I laugh.

"Okay, we'll see. We gotta get up to the displays before I can decide. You go find a special gift and I'll buy it for you. Just between us," I lightly pat her shoulder as she smiles and runs across the small room to the gift shop section and I look at Sam who's on his phone.

"What should I get?" I ask and his fingers cease their rapid typing and he looks at me.

"Oh, uh, I don't know, what do you like?" He looks back down to finish whatever he was doing, clicked what I assumed was 'send' and put his phone in his pocket. 

"Well, I assume I should get something with apples, but I just don't know what's the best," I cross my arms and squint to look at the glowing glass display a few feet ahead. 

"They make a damn good apple gateau des rois," Sam purrs next to my ear and my breath hitches. 

"You know French?" I ask quietly, not turning to look at him. He simply hums in response, still leaning over my shoulder. Of course he speaks french. Greeaattt. We walk closer and I can see everything now. It is a beautiful display of various pastries, golden brown and frosted. 

"Hi there, what can I get you?" The baker behind the register asks. She looks about our age, and apparently she knows it because she's giving goo-goo eyes to Sam. I look up at him and he's not even looking at her. Instead, he's scanning the glass. 

"I'll take a dozen cinnamon spice donuts, and two eclairs," once he looks up at the cashier, she winks at him. Impulsively, I step in front of him and snake my arms around his waist, sneering at her before looking up to his face.

"What should I get, babe?" He gives me a confused look before realization settles in and he starts to play along, his hands grabbing my hips. 

"Mm, I think maybe we should try the apple fritters," he mumbles to me. I smile and nod, giving him a look of sympathy. He doesn't let me go as he orders the rest and I'm still staring up at him. He's so pretty.

"Is that gonna be all?" The painfully kind customer service voice spits.

"Yeah, that'll do it." Sam unwraps his arms from me to grab his wallet and I do the same. 

"I can pay," I say, more as a notice than as a request.

"I got it," he smiles. I glare at him and when he sees this, he chuckles. I stand next to him, watching the girl cash us out and avoiding all eye contact with me. I'm satisfied. At the same time, Bee runs over with a little stuffed animal that looks like a hedgehog. 

"This is so cute," I smile and set it on the counter. "Good choice. So sorry, could you add this on there as well?" The cashier nods, scanning the item swiftly. After Sam has received his card back, we set off.

Babysitting the Bad Boy's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now