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He lifts me off his lap before I'm able to even register the voice and kisses my cheek quickly before leaning over the edge of the bed to grab the laptop and quickly open it.

"Are your parents here?" I whisper, blushing.

"Yeah, they're early," he stifles a laugh. He chooses the first thing that is in the screen and fast forwards about 25 minutes in to be inconspicuous.

"Sammy? We're- oh, hi there, Katie," his mom peeks her head into the room giving Sam a confused look before shooting a polite smile to me. "I wasn't expecting you to be here. How are you?"

"Hi, Mrs. Matthews. Yeah, Sam wanted me to show me some movie," I smile sheepishly, intertwining my hands together. "I should probably get going anyway."

"Don't leave on my accord, I was just coming to tell you that we were home. Sam, can I speak to you for a moment?" She gives him a pointed look and he sighs, nodding.

"I'll be right back," he says quietly as he stands up and closes me in his room with the laptop playing Spider-Man quietly. I am a little concerned about the look Sam's mom gave him, and she seemed a lot more distant than before, so obviously my mind starts racing. Does she not approve of me? Did Sam say something? What if we can't hang out anymore? Before too many thoughts bombard my head, Sam comes back into the room, and flops on the bed with a sigh.

"What was that all about?" I ask.

"Oh, just uh... I don't know, my mom is just being cautious," he laughs. A little cryptic, but okay. "But she says you can stay as long as you want."

"Well, I guess you have your perfect excuse to force me to watch Spider-Man," I roll my eyes and he grins.

"Yes I do."

After the end of the movie and a brief intermission to call my mom and tell her that I'd be home in a little bit, I'm stretching and yawning uncontrollably.

"Are you tired or something?" He asks ironically, laughing.

"Tired of your attitude," I mumble through a yawn.

"Oh, you've done it now," he smirks, rolling on top of me.

"Ow! Okay, dude! You're gonna crush me," I wheeze. He pushes his weight off of me by holding himself above me with his arms. I look to them, where the muscles are protruding in a way that makes my heart jump.

"Like what you see?"

"Mm. I think I'm just jealous," I smile. He rolls his eyes before peppering kisses along my face and jawline. "Okay, okay. Your parents are literally right down the hall."

"I don't care," he grins against my neck and he kisses, longer and more intense than before. He begins to suck at my neck and my mouth falls open.

"You should care. I care."

"Okay, okay. You're just so cute," he does a push-up to lower himself to kiss me on my lips and I feel myself swoon.

"Stop, you're gonna make me blush," I smile against his lips, placing my hand son his neck. "I should go home."


"Because I'm not gonna leave if I don't go now."

"You're right," he kisses me again.

"Mhm," I mumble, melting into the kiss before pulling away again. "Okay, let's go. Up."

He climbs off of me, holding a hand out to help me up and I walk with him hand in hand downstairs to put my shoes on. I continue out to his car and we back out and head back to my house.

"It was a really nice day," I say quietly.

"Yeah, it was. Thanks for spending it with me," he smiles.

"Thanks for inviting me," I reply, looking back to the incremented streetlights and the orange pavement that they create from the front windshield. We drive in silence until we get to my house and I thank him once again for bringing me out.

"Anytime. Call me?" He asks, sitting against the hood of his car.

"Yeah. I'll call you," I smile, walking backwards towards my front door. I trip over a clump of grass and catch myself, a blush growing on my face. "Maybe I shouldn't walk backwards."

"Yeah, maybe don't do that," he grins. "I'll see you."

"See you," I give a small wave from the front door before slipping inside and closing the door behind me. I silently squeal in happiness as I just barely move the curtains to indiscreetly look at him. He sits on the hood still smiling at the door before shaking his head and looking down to his shoes. His grin gets wider before he wipes a hand down his face to try and relax himself before walking back to the driver seat and pulling down my street into the darkness.

Once I've given my suspicious mother the rundown of the evening, and avoided all mention of it being a date, I made it to my room, laying on the bed and catching my breath. Wow. What a night. I can't even begin to believe how close I was to-

I shake the image from my mind, a grin and a blush plastered on my face.

I finally stand up, walking over to my closet where I strip down and get into some light pajamas, before walking to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I turn the light on and look at my face, a light blush that I assume is just stained on my face forever. My hair is tousled and the mascara I had put on earlier has made itstelf a statement on my lower lash line, but it doesn't look awful. I wipe it away before grabbing the soap and splashing my face with water. It's refreshing beyond comparison, and it soothes the pent up knot that I hadn't realized had formed in my chest.

I brush my teeth before tiptoeing back to my room, being careful to be as quiet as possible. I cuddle into my blankets and put on some ambient sleep music, trying to drift off, before getting a notification that startles me. I reach over to my phone, squinting at the brightness, and opening the message.

Sam :O

Thinking about you

My heart flutters and I scramble to sit up, barely able to breathe. It's really just a text, please calm yourself. I drop my phone in my lap and cover my face with my hands, attempting to regain my cool. After a few minutes, I finally look back to the messages and try to think of a clever response.

im quite thought provoking

I'd say so

and what exactly is on your mind?


I'm just sitting here

In my bed

Where you just were

go on

I watch as the typing bubble appear and disappear before my phone is ringing in my hand. I scramble to mute the ringer and stare at Sam's name on the screen for a second before clicking 'answer.'

"Hi there," I smile.

"How are you?" He says quietly.

"I'm good, how are you?"

"Really fucking good," I hear him grinning through the phone and I bite my lip, just thinking about that dazzling smile.

"Well, thats good, isn't it?"

"What are you doing right now?"

"I was about to go to bed, why?"

"So, you're alone," he leads on and I furrow my brows.

"I am. Is there something you need?" I taunt.

"Do you wanna try something?" He says, almost breathless.

"What does that mean?" I feel like I can't breathe.

// ok why am i like,,, nervous to write their smut parts LOL i've written it before but i feel like im not gonna do them justice ;-; anyways lol next chapter get excited, and sorry for another late upload i have been busy with work and house renovations. luv u guys xoxo

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