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Sam and I made out last night. A lot. I wake up on top of him on the couch, hugging his bare torso and I feel one of his hands in my hair and the other on my lower back. I go to sit up and he groans, squeezing me. 

"Sam," I mumble. He just groans in response. "Sam, let me up. I'll come back." 

He holds me a bit longer before eventually letting me go, rolling over. I roll my eyes at him before walking to the bathroom. I turn on the light and look at myself in the mirror. Holy shit. My lips are red and I reach up to touch them, feeling that they're swollen. My hair is messed up, but not beyond repair. I pull my fingers through it, and most of the knots run themselves out. It was more difficult where Sam's hand was pushed into my hair all night. I go to the bathroom and wash my hands before practically running back into his arms. I'm awake, but I'd be more than happy to just lay on the couch all day. Sam is still passed out, but he flipped back onto his back while I was gone. I place a leg over him and try to squeeze in next to him but he wakes up and grabs my hips, making me straddle him. He flutters his eyes open, squinting at me. 

"Did I do that?" He points and I'm confused. 

"Do what?"

"The hickey," he chuckles, and I feel panicky. I look down and there's a small bruise on my collarbone, just barely hidden by the collar of my shirt. 

"I didn't even see it earlier," I mumble. His hands are tracing all over me, as well as his eyes, while I continue to stare at my collarbone. 

"Did you sleep good?" He mumbles in a raspy tone and I look to him and smile, nodding.


"Do you want me to make breakfast? Maybe an omelette or something?" I'm still straddling him and my hands are placed on my chest. He's so warm.

"Mm," Sam closes his eyes and grips my thighs. I feel a blush rising to my cheeks and I crawl up his chest, giving him a quick kiss on his lips before getting up. He grabs my wrist as I stand up and pulls me down onto him again.

"Sam, I gotta-" He shuts me up by kissing me passionately, before standing up and stretching. I'm stunned on the couch and he smirks at me. 

"What's wrong?" 

"You can't just... casually kiss someone like that, Sam."

"I just did," he walks away and I'm left a blushing mess. Get yourself together. He kissed you. That's all. Get over it. I walk into the kitchen and put my morning playlist on, the first song coming on being In Luv with U by Finn. Of course. I begin to sway to the music while getting veggies prepped and I feel Sam's arms around my waist.

"Can you get me some orange juice?" I smile and he slowly sneaks away, opening the fridge and pouring me a glass.

"Thank you," I say, grabbing the cup with both hands.

"You're so cute," he grins.

"You're not so bad yourself," I smile cheekily. 

"What are your plans for today?" He asks suddenly. 

"I don't know."

"Do you want to hang out?"

"Are we not hanging out right now?" I set the glass down and begin whisking eggs.

"I thought we could do something. Like, out of the house. Together."

"Oh, together, huh? Hm, I don't know.." I say sarcastically and he walks over to me as I pour the egg mixture into the pan. He hugs me from behind and my breath hitches in my throat. 

Babysitting the Bad Boy's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now