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The next day, I decided to change my life around. I was tired of boy drama, and obviously, that lifestyle wasn't working for me. 

Things finally started to feel normal again, and I didn't want to ruin that. Lainey and I hung out all day at school, and I sat with my friends at lunch for the first time in what felt like forever. Ella Milton sat next to Eli, cuddled up to him, which was weird, but I was happy for them. 

"So, E, you're coming to the game with us, right?" Eli smiled at her.

"She's a cheerleader, of course she has to go," I tell him, taking a bite of my sandwich. 

"Oh, right. I keep forgetting that you're required to be there."

"I can come visit you guys during the game, but I have to be on the track most of the time," she comments. "Are you sitting in the front with the other football girls, Kate?"

I forgot they did that. "Uh, no. Not really my thing. I'm thinking I'm probably gonna ditch at halftime anyways."

"Oh, you have to stay, it's one of the only home games of the year. Plus, it's the night that most people get promposals."

"I don't think she's getting one of those," Lainey pointed out.

"Oh, I didn't mean to assume... but aren't you going with Sam?" Ella asked, as if the answer was obvious.

"We haven't talked in like two weeks, so I'm guessing no."

"Sorry, I just thought you'd be going. He talks about you all the fucking time, honestly he's been such a drag the past few months," she chuckles, then looks to me like a deer in headlights. "Not because he's talking about you. Just because he's usually so brooding and funny and now he's all sappy and shit."

"And you can deal with it from Eli? Impressive," Tyler walks up to the table with his lunch, sitting down next to Lainey. "Hey, beautiful."

"Shut up," Lainey replied, not looking up from the book she was holding. But I could hear in her voice that she wanted to smile.

The rest of lunch was spent quickly, and we all went our separate ways to class, Eli and I heading there together. I joked to him lightly about how happy he seems with Ella, and he was blushing like a maniac as we walked through the door. I looked up, giggling, as my gaze scanned across the classroom from the teacher with his feet up on the desk, to Sam and his friends standing next to their table. I immediately bowed my head, before remembering that I'm not the one who decided to completely ignore him and not explain anything. So, I hold my head high and pretend like I didn't even notice him. I can play his game. 

"Eli, did you bring your book for this class? I forgot mine," I feel around on the bottom of my backpack, unfortunately feeling no textbooks.

"Uh, yeah, I think so. Do we need it toda-"

"Okay, kids, sit down. You're going to need your textbooks today, so go run and get them if you don't have them. Everyone needs their own today. We're not copying each other."

I shoot Eli a look, and he sighs, opening his bag but not finding his book either. We tell the teacher we'll be right back, and a few other students follow behind us as we trot down the hallway to our lockers. I look behind to see who didn't bring their books, and Sam is behind us, hands in his pockets. I think I caught him staring at me, but he looked away so fast that I can't be sure. 

"You should talk to him," Eli mumbled to me, noticing that I had my head turned like an owl still.

"I can't. He doesn't want to look at me, let alone have a conversation," I roll my eyes, reaching my locker. Eli's was several down and on the other side of the corridor, so it was suddenly quiet as I fiddled with my lock. Sam's locker was across the hall as well, directly behind mine. I could feel him standing behind me, but I knew I was just being hyperaware. I quickly grabbed my book and closed my locker, turning and walking back to class.

"Kate?" I turn to see Sam looking at me, and I can't read his face.


"Do you want to talk?" He closes his locker, catching up to me.

"Sam... honestly, I've wanted to talk for weeks. But you've been avoiding me like the plague, remember?"

"I know. I'm so... I'm fucking stupid. I know. I just didn't know what to do."

"An explanation would have been a start. A real one." I turn away, walking back into the class. I sit down, and as I look to the door, I see Eli talking to Sam for a split second before entering and walking over and taking his seat.

We didn't talk about anything except the classwork for the entire period, and then the bell rang and I exited the class alone, planning on heading to the bathroom, but my feet led to me that dark, abandoned stairwell instead. It smelled mildewy as I opened the door, and I walked up a few steps before sitting and taking a deep breath, holding my head in my hands. 

"Fuck," I mumble. Sitting down on the stairs, I take out my phone to see that Ella had texted me. This day just gets weirder and weirder.

hey can we talk? x

"What the hell..." I whisper to myself, but reply positively anyways, telling her that was fine and to meet me in this stairwell. 

She showed up a few minutes later, the sound of her shoes breaking the silence. "I can't believe you wanted to meet here."

"I don't even know why I'm here, honestly. What did you need to talk about?" I don't really want to small talk, even though we aren't on terrible terms. I still have to get to class eventually.

"I just wanted to say that I'm really happy that we are friends again. I preface this with that because I want you to know that I'm here for you, and I don't want things to be weird." Ella sounded like a different person, and it was honestly kind of shocking to me, so I silently nodded as she continued. "I think you need to do something about the Sam situation, and I only say this because I know that he won't."

"I don't know, I just feel like it's so much drama, and..."

"Trust me, I get it. How do you think I got into the situation I'm in now? That friend group changes you, but we're almost out of high school. And Sam is such a good guy. Better to you than anyone I've ever seen. He's obsessed, Katie. Honestly, it's kind of sad," She giggles, and it brings a small smile to my face. 

"Eli is insanely obsessed with you, too, you know," I point out, and she blushes, nodding in agreement. "The universe keeps bringing us together in interesting ways, huh?"

"Seriously. Well, I need to get to class, but please, come to the game tonight. You don't need to do anything except be there. And text me if you want to go together," Ella smiles. 

"Fine," I sigh, following her out of the hallway and towards class. "Thank you, by the way. It's nice to talk again."

"For sure," Ella grinned, flipping her hair out of her face. "I'll see you later!"

"Alright," I smile, watching as she walks into a classroom. I head down the hall to my next class, feeling a little more confident than before.

//ugh im so sorry y'all, this past hiatus was like,,, the worst one yet LMAO but its fiiiiiine im back now and will have some new stuff out soon!! thx for sticking around <3 love u all

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