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I take my seat next to Eli once I've calmed myself down enough to return to class.

"What's wrong?" Eli asks, concerned.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I smile. I can't talk about this right now. I just need to get through today.

"Can I come over tonight?" Eli whispers.

"Oh, uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea," I start.

"Please? You seem like you need to talk."

"I guess. I'll be home later tonight," I sigh. "I'll call if I'm down."

"Okay. You sure you don't need anything?" He asks, and I shake my head, just wanting to get through the day.

The rest of the day is a blur, and I noticed myself looking around the corners for Sam more times than I could count. Each time, I felt a lump begin to grow in my throat but I pushed it down and made it to classes and my locker before pushing through the crowds to get to my car, my head down. Realizing I have to wait for my brother and Lainey, I take the moment of silence as a blessing before plugging my phone in and blasting the first thing I saw recommended to me on Spotify. Of course it's Drake. I close my eyes as the intro to Massive begins to play and the sting of tears starts to grow as the lyrics come in.

"Hey!" Lainey slams her hands on the passenger window before getting in.

"You scared the shit out of me," I chuckle, blinking away any sadness.

"Sorry, but that was kind of the point. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." Stop asking please.

She begins telling me some story about the person who has the locker next to hers, and I'm only partially listening, brainstorming a way to talk to Sam.

"Can you even believe that shit?" She laughs as my brother climbs into the backseat.

"You swear too much," Devin says.

"You're ugly too much," Lainey replies, making me chuckle.

Their bickering continues until she gets out of the car, and I wave her off before driving home. Devin jumps out as soon as the car stops and the quiet of the vehicle surrounds me again, bringing me back to reality.

I should really call him, but I know he won't answer. What the hell happened in the past 12 hours? I decide I should get ahold of Will to see if he knows anything. The phone rings in my ear before I hear a click and then his voice comes through.


"Hey, Will. Have you talked to Sam at all today?"

"He's at practice right now, why?"

"Is he mad?"

"He seems normal..." I hear shuffling as he pulls the phone away from his face. "Uh, yeah. He says he's fine. What's up?"

"Oh, uh, okay. Thanks."

"Sure," Will says. "Gotta go, talk later."

"Bye," I say quietly as he hangs up and I drop my phone into my lap. So, he's fine and at practice. What did I do?

I decide to just go on a drive, trying to calm myself and have some alone time. I decide to drive to Starbucks, getting a coffee and bagel, and then drive around town for a bit before parking at a park down the road from the school.

Will seemed distant on the phone and I couldn't get it out of my head. It seemed like he hung up fast, even for being at practice. I decide that instead of waiting up for Sam to get home, I'm gonna go and see him. I'm too pent up to eat my food anyway, so I just head over to the football field where I can see them running down on the track. I grab my keys and get out, walking down the hill as the boys are heading back to the bleachers to get water. I know I have a determined glare as I walk through the crowd because of the way all of their eyes divert like they're glad it's not their girlfriend who's storming through.

Sam is chuckling as he takes a swig of his water bottle before meeting eyes with me and almost spitting his water out. He gives a finger to pause the conversation with his friend, grabbing my upper arm before I can even begin my scolding. It's terribly demeaning which pisses me off even more.

"Let go of me," I snatch my arm back.

"What are you doing here?" He sounds genuinely confused.

"I came to talk to you, since you obviously weren't making any progress."

"I'm at practice, I can't drop everything and come to your side."

"But you can drop me for everything and anything else. I can't count on you. I just wanted you to know that I'm done."


"I don't know what I was thinking, doing this. I told myself this was stupid, and I knew-"

"Doing what?"

"We're so different, Sam. I know you see it. This can't work if we aren't honest with each other. And I don't think you can let go of whatever won't open up. It's fine, but I can't be a part of it. It hurts too much."

I turn on my heel and start up the field again, and I consider looking back but I can't bring myself to look at whatever expression the group of boys share. Sam didn't say a word as I marched back to my car, feeling like a pile of shit as I watched them all disperse back onto the field for more practice. I didn't realize I was crying until my vision began to go blurry and I decided I needed to get home before I was stuck here, a crying mess.

The drive home was quiet and thoughtless as I parked in the driveway and trekked my way up to my room. I decided I couldn't do anything but fall asleep, so that's what I did.

// sorry for such a short chapter and horrid upload schedule once again. I am struggling with ideas so if anyone has some small filler ideas or anything they wanna see in the future please lemme know <3 hope you enjoyed a have a good one

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