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Holy shit, my head hurts so bad. I toss and turn in bed before I even realize that I'm in my own room. How the hell did I get home? All of my stuff from Sam's house is on the floor by the door, and my keys are on my bedside table. Did I drive myself home? Holy shit. The anxiety that floods my brain is enough to send a shooting pain through my eyeball. 

"Shit," I hold my head. I'm still in my outfit from last night. I get up slowly, grabbing one of my pajama sets and stumbling to the bathroom. Parents are gone it seems, and I have no clue where my brother is. I need pain killers ASAP. I make it to the shower before I feel sick but it quickly passes. I get undressed and pop two tylenols in my mouth before practically crawling into the shower and using the warm water that waterfalls to swallow the pills. It was a "fuck life" kind of day, so I sat on the floor of the shower, practically asleep for probably a half an hour before I heard my phone ringing. I got out slowly, making sure not to fall, and I wrap myself in a towel before answering. 

"Hello?" My voice is hoarse from what I can only assume is a lot of yelling and singing last night.
"Hey, you okay? I drove you home," Eli says on the other side of the phone. 

"Oh. Thanks... I can't even remember what happened after, like, midnight," I chuckled nervously. I hope I didn't fuck anything up

"Yeah, I didn't see you much after you went to talk to Sam, but you ended up on the dancefloor shortly after. You were grinding on some girl," he laughs and I blush. 

"You're joking."


"Holy shit, that's embarrassing."

"Meh, everybody was fucking blasted. After I saw you go for another drink when you came inside, I figured I should settle with my one so I could bring you home."

"Oh, Eli, you didn't need to do that. I could have just stayed there."

"Yeah, well, I just thought you wanted to come home. There were a lot of drunk people there too. I was headed home so the guys just followed me in my car and then spent the night." 

"I'm glad you made it home okay," I smile. "I just got out of the shower and I feel like shit. As I probably should, I guess. I'll call you later?"

"Yeah, sure. Get some sleep. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, Eli. Love you."

"Love you too." 

I hang up and dry off, getting dressed and wrapping my hair in the towel. I walk downstairs, making sure to hold onto the railing, and I grab a box of cereal from the cupboard and two Gatorade bottles from the fridge before heading back upstairs. I crawl into bed and grab my laptop, putting on a random movie and grab a handful of Cheerios. I begin to recount the night in my head, going through the setup, Will coming over, the funny TikTok he showed me, and... going outside with Sam. I stop eating and I feel a tug of anxiety in my chest as I tried to remember what happened. I can't recall anything that was said, but an image flashed across my mind of a kiss. No, no way. That was a dream I had. I reach for my phone, checking my notifications, and there's nothing from Sam. I have plenty of Snapchat videos for a lifetime from Will of me dancing and laughing, but none with Sam. It seems like after our talk, we didn't spend any other time together. There's no way anything actually happened. It was a dream. He would have said something, right?

I argue with myself for about 10 minutes before I decide to call Sam. I'm not gonna ask about anything that happened between us, we were wasted and if he doesn't remember, I'm gonna look desperate. I bring my phone to my ear, nervousness vibrating through me. It rings five times before I get sent to voicemail. Shit. Well, he's probably asleep anyways. My phone vibrates incessantly, giving me a jumpscare. It's Sam. 

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