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"Mmm that's a good boy, yea suck daddy just like he likes it", the man says while pulling my hair, I want to throw up, he stinks and he's disgusting but I need the money, if I don't have the money I get beat. I feel him cum into the condom and I pull away quickly, wiping my mouth and standing up. "See you in a few days beautiful", he says smirking. "Yea", I say walking away, back to the place I usually stand and wait.

 Hoseok was there, looking gorgeous as ever, he must have just got back from a job because I can tell he's been crying. I am trying everything in my power to get him off these streets but he owes Robert money too and when you owe Robert a lot of money this is what you do to pay it back, sell you body, sell your soul.

He sees me and runs over throwing his arms around me, "hey Hoba, you okay." "I will be, I'm just really cold", he says shivering. A car pulls up behind me, "hey how much." I turn and look at him, "depends on what you want." "Everything", he laughs. "200", I say. He steps out of the car, I turn back to Hobi, "go to Namjoon's shop and wait for me there, you'll be warm and they will feed you." 

He nods and kisses my cheek, I turn back to my next trick and lead him into alley, he grabs my hair and brings his lips to mine, I push away, "I don't kiss." The punch he lands on my cheek didn't hurt in comparison to the knee I get in the stomach and when I fall the boots to the ribs really hurt, "fucking whore, when I say everything I mean everything, you act like your to good to kiss me, fuck you."

I lay here, not able to move and I watch as he walks away, once he's gone I pull myself up and try to walk but don't get very far, I collapse in a store front doorway, wrapping my arms around my legs because I'm freezing. I must have dozed off because I was woken by not only the sun in my eyes but the most beautiful voice in the world, "Taehyung, Taehyung wake up, why are you out here." "Go away Seokjin, god forbid I interrupt your day let alone you life, seeing I'm just a whore in your eyes", I spit. "Taehyung, I just, never mind you won't listen anyway", he says.

"You're right, I won't", I tried to stand but fell back against the door, Jin was there in a split second helping me up. "Taehyung your skin is freezing and why do you have bruises all over your arms, come on", he says pulling me with him. I yank my arm away, so hard it hurts, "I'm not going anywhere with you." "Tae stop being ridiculous, I want to buy you breakfast and get you warm, you are way to skinny, now come on", I let him pull me along because I didn't want to say no to warmth and food.

He led me to a diner down the street and told me to sit, god it's so warm in here and it smells so good, better than the urine soaked alleyway I stand in. Seokjin went into the back, he is probably going to leave me here even though I dont have any money to pay but sitting in the warmth is making me sleepy and I really want to get up an walk out before I am thrown out but my legs wont move. 

"Hey sit up and eat this", I hear Jin say. I look up and he has a huge tray in his hands, he set the coffee pot and a cup down in front of me along with a glass of orange juice, he then sets down a plate with fluffy pancakes, bacon and potatoes, my mouth waters, my stomach churns I dont even know the last time I had real food was.

"Stop staring at it and eat", he says pouring syrup on his pancakes and then handing it to me, I started to shovel food in my mouth, my stomach didn't know what to think, it felt like it was being attacked and wanted to fight back by throwing everything up. "Slowly Tae, there is no rush, you are going to choke", he says. Fuck why is he so beautiful, his voice is what I think heaven sounds like, and his eyes, those god damn eyes look right thru to my soul, I have dreams of Seokjin, loving me, taking care of me, kissing me and making love to me, my dreams are the only reason I sleep now a days.

Before I knew it my food was gone but my stomach still felt empty, I looked at Seokjin and he was looking at me like he wanted to say something and I already knew what it was but he wont say it because he knows I will flip out on him. "Here", he says pushing his pancakes toward me, "eat up, I can tell you are still hungry, I have to go anyway, stay and get warm they know to keep the coffee coming and everything's already paid for." He grabs his coat, "so that's it, that's why you did this." He looks taken aback by my outburst, "did what and what is it I want exactly."

"So what do you want in return, a blow job, do you want to fuck me", I spit. The anger in his eyes made me pause my rant and sit back, "Taehyung I dont want anything from you, especially sex, I'm sorry if I was trying to be nice and making sure that you were okay and I'm so fucking sorry for calling you all that shit years ago, I didn't mean any of it but I know you will never believe me so fuck it and fuck you." He grabs his coat, gets up and walks out.

Fuck I am stupid, the one person who I want to be nice to me and I treat him like shit, chasing him away. Its better that way, if Robert ever found out about my feelings for Seokjin he would try to hurt him and I cant have that, I need to protect him from my shit hole of a life, even though he is probably done with me after what I said to him today, why does loving someone hurt so fucking much.

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