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I wake up to a dark room, I hear Tae whimpering and see him thrashing, he is all sweaty and has kicked the blankets off himself, "Tae wake up, its okay, I am here." I kiss him and he stops moving, still sleeping he curls up into me and falls back to sleep, I wrap my arms securely around him and kiss his forehead, "I will always be here Taehyung, always protecting you." 

I must have fallen back to sleep because when I woke again I see light coming thru the window, I look down at the beautiful man in my arms, he is still here, he stayed, he didn't run like the last time. I stare at his glorious lips and floppy dark hair, he is flawless in my eyes, he thinks he is dirty and tainted but he could never be either of those things, he is an angel. 

I need to get him off the streets, I need to make him stay here with me so that I can take care of him, I know that Robert will keep hurting him.  His eyes flutter open and he smiles at me, "good morning." "You stayed, I am go glad you stayed", I captured his mouth with mine, parting his lips with my tongue and kissing him deeply, I instinctively thrust my hard dick against his hip, showing him what he does to me, he pulls me on top of him and bucks his hips so that I can feel his erection hit mine. He grabs my face and kisses me till I cant remember my own name, "Taehyung", I some how get out in a whisper, "be with me, not just right now but all the time, let me love you and protect you, trust me to be the man you need."

He brushes the hair out of my face as I look down at him, look into those beautiful brown eyes trying to figure out what he is thinking, "I do trust you Jin more than anyone else I know, I know you want to protect me." "You need to get off the fucking streets Tae, before Robert kills you", I plead. 

He pushes me hard in the chest till I fall backward onto the pillows and then he sit up, "I dont want to talk about this Jin." "I will help you Tae", I put a hand on his arm and he pulls away angrily. "Stop, you dont know the first thing about me, I am a whore and a junkie Jin, you deserve better than me and we both know it", he says getting out of the bed and looking for his clothes. 

"I'm sorry Jin, I cant be who you want me to be I am a junkie and a loser", he walks out of the room and I follow after him. "Wait Tae", I say, "I knew you were an addict it doesn't change anything." "Doesn't change anything are you fucking crazy, its changes everything", he yells. "Not for me, I know this will be hard and I know that you will need help, that's why I am here, I have tried so fucking hard not to fall for you but I have failed", I say wrapping my arms around him, "Taehyung if you want to go another day selling your body for money, tell me yes and I will turn around and walk away." "Fuck no", he cries. "Then allow me to help you Tae please, stay here with me where its safe", I beg. 

"You cant help me Jin", he says sadly. "Let me in, tell me what he wants from you", I say getting angry. "I told you to stay out of it", he says pushing me away. "I cant do that anymore Taehyung, you and Hobi are in danger", I say. He grabs his coat and heads for the door as he opens it he doesn't turn when he says, "I cant worry about you while trying to worry about Hobi and myself, stay out of it." The door closes and my heart breaks, I dont know what else to say to him to make him understand that I love him and want him to be safe here with me. 

I take a shower and after getting dressed I grab two coolers that I have in my closet, head down stairs and throw them in my truck, I stop at the corner store for a couple 12 packs of beer and ice and fill up both coolers then drive over to the shop. I walk in and I am greeted by Jimin who helps me throw the grills and charcoal in the back of my truck. Yoongi walks in and sees me, he gestures for me to follow him and when I do we are standing in the back alley behind the shop, "I found out that your dad is mixed up with Robert."

 "My dad", I ask confused, "what the fuck do they have to do with each other." "Its not good Jin, your dad asked Robert to have you and Joon taken out, he has life insurance policies on you and will collect millions if it looks like an accident", Yoongi says. "Does Joon know", I ask. "No I haven't told him yet but I think we should, he may be able to help us get Taehyung and Hoseok away from that asshole", Yoongi says. "Lets get everything over to the field, we will talk to him then", I say walking out and heading for my truck. I hear Yoongi start up his bike, "come on Minnie, lets get over there and help." 

We pull onto the grass near the bonfire sight so that we can unload everything and when I get out of the truck I am engulfed in a hug, "hi Jungkook Hyung." He sets me down and kisses my head, I roll my eyes and laugh, "you will never change will you." "Never, you are my little Jinnie and you always will be", he winks. We carry everything over to the tables that Hyung and Jungkook had set up already, Yoongi walks over and slaps Hyung on his shoulder, "come with us, Jin and I need to talk to you." 

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