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Is it bad that as I stand here I keep looking for his truck, I shouldn't be, I am not his problem to worry about or take care of but fuck I really I want him too, he makes me feel like I'm human, like I matter. "Hey gorgeous, how much for a fuck", I hear behind me and my eyes shut instantly, its him the one that likes to beat me while he fucks me. I turn, "you already know how much, why do you ask me every time." I feel a smack across my cheek, "want to be a smart ass, maybe Ill just take it at no cost." He grabs my hair and I spit on him, "GET AWAY FROM HIM." I don't want to hear that voice either, because with either person I am screwed, "and who the fuck are you."

"His owner", Robert says telling his men to grab the man, they tackle him and beat the shit out of him right where he stands, me on the other hand, he had his right hand man grab me and drag me down the alley out of sight. Robert grabs my hair and slams my head against the brick, I think I pass out for about half a second but come too when I am being kicked in the stomach, "you don't talk back to clients Taehyung, we have had this conversation before, let me see it again and you wont see the light of day." 

They walk away and my eye is swollen I can barely see out of it, "Tae Tae Oh my god come on, I'm taking you to my friend", I hear Hoseok say as he pulls me up. I am in and out of consciousness and have no clue where Hobi is taking me, I try to pull away because I think he's taking me to Namjoon's but his grip on me is strong. I feel warm air hit my face and I hear a lot of people talking but it's the one name I hear that catches my attention, "please get Seokjin, please Dr. Kim will help him." That's when I must have passed out because the next thing I remember was waking up to the sun on my face, I blink a few times and see Hobi laying in the bed next to me sound asleep. 

"He's been here all night with you", I hear his voice and my heart skips a beat. I turn to see his beautiful face, looking tired and sad, "how long have you been here." "All night, I am on rotation for another", he looks at his watch, "23 hours." "What happened", I asked only remembering bits and pieces. "You were beaten, Hobi brought you in, you have a broken eye socket and a concussion, along with 4 more broken ribs", he says checking my IV bag. Fuck he's sexy in his scrubs, he looks so tired though, "how do doctors do it, stay up days at a time and still manage to take care of others." 

"You get used to it, plus you grab sleep when you can", he walks to the window and looks out. "How long do I have to stay here", I ask trying to sit up a little bit wincing. Jin was by my side in a second helping me, "don't over do it Tae, you are really beat up and I know you have your pride but you need to let yourself heal or you will be no good to anyone." "I'm fine", I say stubbornly pouting. "The fuck you are, how much Taehyung", he asks angrily. "How much what Jin", I ask back with an attitude. "How much do you owe Robert", he asks. 

The minute his name left Jin's mouth my heart dropped, he can't know him, he can't get involved, Robert will hurt him just to hurt me, "Jin please don't get involved." "It might be to late for that Taehyung but I don't want you running away, so I will back off for now, I have to make my rounds, I'll be back", he says walking toward the door, he turns to look at me and I can say with certainty that I am madly in love with Seokjin. I lay here looking out the window when I hear Hobi yawn, "how you feeling Tae Tae." 

"My head hurts but other than that okay I guess", I say, "did you sleep good." "I did, probably the best sleep I've had in a long time, Dr. Kim always let's me sleep here when I come in", he says stretching. "So you know Seokjin", I ask. "Oh yes, Dr. Kim is amazing, he offered me a job here just so I would get off the streets", he says. "What did you say", I ask concerned. "I told him no, Robert will never let me go until I pay off my debt", Hobi says. "I'm going to get you out Hoba, so you can come work with Jin, you don't need to be on the streets anymore", I say holding my hand out to him. 

Just then the door opens and Jin walks in carrying bags, "here you two eat, Tae you need to stay one more night, the doctor wants to look at your eye again in case you need surgery." "Jin, you know I can't afford", he holds his hand up. "Stop, don't worry about any of that, just worry about healing and resting, now eat", he says. "Dr. Kim stay and eat with us, please", Hobi pleads. 

He smiles at him, "okay, thank you, I haven't eaten breakfast yet." After we eat, Hobi goes downstairs to get coffee, "thank you for looking out for him, he told me that you let him sleep here." "Yea, they know when Hobi comes in to call me, Id do the same for you but I know you would never come here on your own, stubborn mule.", he chastises. 

I cant help but to laugh but then hold my ribs forgetting they are broken, he is right here next to me in a second, checking to make sure I am okay, he is checking the bandages on my eye and he is so close that I can smell  him, I close my eyes and bath in his scent because it calms me. The next thing I know his lips are on mine and I am not pushing him away, I am actually fisting his scrubs and pulling him closer to me, I want to be closer but I cant because of this stupid hospital bed.

 When we break apart I try to catch my breath, his eyes are dark and full of lust, a sound leaves my mouth when he stands straight hearing the door open. I want him to stay with me, I want him near me, I need him near me, fuck I have it bad for this guy and I think he might be feeling the same way.

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