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The kiss was extraordinary and he wanted it just as bad as I did, to feel him pull me closer was euphoric but I had to stop before we got to far, Hoseok came back shortly after. After Tae and Hobi went to sleep that night, I checked on them one more time, watching Tae sleep so peacefully made my heart clinch. I pushed the hair off his forehead, kissed it and whispered, "Ill be back in the morning." I got into my truck and drove to my brothers shop, walking in I am tackled immediately by none other than the muscle bunny, "hi Jungkook Hyung, do you like smell when I am near." He laughs holding me in his strong arms, "No silly, I saw you get out of your truck, did you come to see me."

I cant help but to grab his bunny cheeks and smile, "I always come to see you Hyung, you are my favorite." He smiles that gorgeous smile, "I'm actually here to see Yoongi again, is he around I didn't see his bike out front." "He's in back fixing it, he bought a new headlight and he's installing it now, you can go see him", he says sitting back behind the counter. I walked to the garage and find Yoongi at the big tool chest grabbing something silver out of the drawer, "I was wondering when you would come back."

I stop walking and look at him, he must have saw something in my eyes because he stopped and looked at me, "watch the attitude little one, I am still your Hyung." "Does Tae owe Robert money or is it his mother's debt", I ask angrily. Yoongi sighs, "so you know, who told you." "Doesn't matter, just tell me what you know", I say annoyed. "Its his mothers debt, she died before paying Robert back so he is forcing Tae to pay him." "How much", I ask thru gritted teeth. "Jin, dont", I cut him him off. "HOW MUCH", I yell. "Robert told Taehyung 15,000, but I don't think that's right, there would be no reason what so ever for her to owe him that much, I think he is trying to get more out of him", Yoongi says.

"Hoseok said the same thing, that Robert is lying about how much he truly owes", I tell him. He looks at me and I see something there, "you like him don't you, then why don't you get him away from that scum bag, fuck Yoongi, help me get them both away from him, what are you waiting for." "Do you not think I want them both out of this shit show, I hate seeing them getting beat up and fucked for a couple bucks a night, that is never going to be enough for Robert but if we move to soon we will wind up dead and then what good are we to them, I will tell you my plans Jin but you have to promise to stick to it and until then please try to keep Tae safe", he says pinching the bridge of his nose.

When I walk back into the shop I see Namjoon and Jimin, "Jin you are here." Jimin comes over and hugs me, then Namjoon follows and does the same, "I had to speak to Yoongi Hyung, how are you two doing." "We are good, are you eating, you look skinny, how is work", Jimin asks. I laugh, "I am eating mom, dont worry, and work is good, tiring but good." "I have to get going but Ill come see you this weekend, the bike rally is going on right", I ask. 

"Yea we are having a bonfire Friday night to kick it off, you better be here, I'll need your help", Namjoon says. I hug him, "I will Hyung, I wouldn't miss it." Walking out I stop and say goodbye to Kookie Hyung and then jump into my truck, my phone rings and when I see the number I panic, "this is Dr. Kim, ok I am on my way." A few moments later I am pushing open the door to Tae's room and I see two nurses trying to get him to lay down, Hobi is gone and Tae is freaking out. "I have it guys thanks", I say to them. When Tae sees me he calms down, "why did you leave, they wouldn't call you when I asked." "I'm here now, what is wrong, are you okay", I say checking his IV and vitals. 

"I just, I", he says looking ashamed. "You just what Taehyung, talk to me please", I beg. "I had a nightmare and when I woke you weren't here, I freaked out", he says. "What was the nightmare about, are you okay now", I ask with worry in my voice, "and where is Hobi." "He had to go to work, money doesn't just fall in our lap, I had a nightmare that you were, you were hurt and I couldn't find you", he says sadly. Tears threatened to fall and I tried my hardest to hold them back, "no one will ever hurt me Taehyung and if you will let me protect you no one will hurt you ever again." He played with the bed sheets, "I cant stay here, I have to get back to work Jin, can I go." 

I sigh, "I cant keep you here but dont think I am going away Taehyung." He smiles, "I know you aren't, pain in my ass." I lean my forehead against his, he grabs my shirt and holds me to him, god that does things to my heart when he does that. I grab his hand and place a key into, closing it and kissing it, "take this, its the key to my apartment, use it whenever you want I dont care, if you are hungry or your cold, if you are tired or if you just want to come watch a movie with me, I dont care Tae, its your home now too." He looks at me with tears in his eyes, "Seokjin, I." I stop his words with a kiss because I cant hear him say I cant, I wrap my hand around his neck deepening the kiss and his moan makes me hungrier for him.

"Don't say a word, its your home too now and you are going with me this weekend to the bike rally, I know my Hyung and Yoongi want to see you, understand", I say with authority. He smiles and nods, "is it a date." "If you want to go on a date I will take you on a proper date", I tell him. "Promise", he asks with hope in his voice. "Promise Tae, cross my heart", I crossed my chest with my finger and when he grabs my hand he kisses that finger. "I'm holding you to that", he says. I remove his IV and he gets up and gets dressed, when he is ready to walk out I kiss his forehead, "be careful." "I will", he says and walks out the door, taking my heart with him and for some reason I dont think I will see him again. 

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