Old friends and new

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He must not have had anything due that day, he's usually pretty lazy around spring, lazier than he already is (was?) he hasn't had the chance to sleep this comfortably in a long time, there were times during the war that it was peace time and he could sleep longer than 8 hours but, even then he played a large role in the war, he never really slept without worry.

Shikamaru rubbed his head, "A couple hour nap isn't going to do anything for a migraine.." he has chakra exhaustion, pretty severely, a petty nap like that one won't do anything except relax his muscles.

Shikamaru, for the second time that day, removed the covers and stood up. He looked around realizing everything looked clearer than it was before. He must have been real out of it.

Shikamaru frowned as he noticed his fathers chakra in the living room. Don't get him wrong, he's happy his father is alive, he can play shogi again, with an actually smart person...

It's just not the same without the challenge. He sighed, his father was smart, as he was, as every Nara was. He never really interacted with other Nara on his own terms, since he is the next leader of the clan, not many people want to get on his 'bad' side.

Which he doesn't really get, it's a very hard thing to do.

He shrugged off his wandering mind, looking back towards his door, he may be lazy but he's not becoming a hermit. His mother would never let him anyway.

The door made a soft wind like noise as he slid it open. The soft sound of a fan filled the hallway. Shikamaru paused, he knows for a fact he's not ready for this, but what choice does he have?

The first thing he noticed was the fact that there were voices in the living room, he could feel his father, clear as day, but as he turned the corner he was surprised to see Ino and Choji.

His father turned his head waving slightly before turning back to a report.

"Are you feeling better Shikamaru?" Ino asked with a frown. "Ah.." Shikamaru paused. "Kinda I guess." Shikaku frowned, "couldn't wake you up earlier, what'd you go and do?"

Shikamaru looked at his father with a surprised look, while half of it was for show, he was shocked he hadn't woken up, saying "he really was out of it." Seems like an understatement now. He must have been downright unconscious, because he cant see himself not immediately getting up by the sound of footsteps.

"Jeez..." Shikamaru said as he looked towards the kitchen. His mom wasn't in the house anymore, must be on a grocery run, maybe even catching up with friends.

Shikaku as Shikamarus father dropped the subject, but Shikamaru would be an idiot to think he will forget about it.

"Do you think you're good to hang out with us?" Choji finally asked. He was a lot more soft spoken in his younger years. But Shikamarus mind wasn't thinking about young Choji he was thinking about his Choji.

His friend that died just hours before he traveled here. His friend that will never know peace.

Shikamaru could tell he wasn't helping his case with his father, so he shook his head yes, "I should probably go for a walk anyway." Ino nodded, "A good walk should clear whatever you have going on!" She quickly made her way over to the front door putting on her black Mary janes.

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