Basic principles of chakra

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Shikaku shook his head, this meeting was going no where in terms of making a damn decision. The Hokage, at the end of the table grunted, automatically silencing any bickering that was happening beforehand.

"I understand that this is a rather important matter, and you all want to start discussing how it could have happened in the first place." Hiruzen said with a pipe in his mouth. No doubt masking his true feelings on the matter.

"But the reason you all were called here was so we could all come to a conclusion for the safety of all citizens." Hiruzen finished.

The first one to speak was the Hyuga clan head, Hiashi.

"I understand the demand for order." He scoffed, he turned his attention to directly face the Hokage, "Both my clan... and the Uchiha clan worry for our eyes."

The Hokage hummed his acknowledgment, the usual first worry, a reasonable one regardless. "I believe if there was any I'll intent or grievous plans towards your clans it would have been done already." Hiruzen admitted.

Shikaku frowned, "What's that mean?" He asked with a frown, he can feel the gray hairs from a mile away.

The Hokage nodded towards a Shinobi, she had long hair. She was known to have the best chakra control of the entire squad that handled the barrier.

"You've all been informed." She started with a bow, while most of the clan heads would rather forget about formalities at a time like this, The hyuga clan, a good example would not.

"I was able to recover quickly, but my chakra..." she trailed off a dark look crossed her eyes. "The doctors highly doubt they will ever return to normal."

Shikakus eyes widened. He knew that whatever crossed the barrier was no doubt going to be strong. Chakra nerves was the easiest way to explain it- "My entire chakra system was shattered. I was able to pull away before it truly reached me." Her mouth quivered as she spoke.

Her eyebrows knitted together she looked up to face the heads with her gaze.

"I'll never be able to go on missions again."

It was almost like a small seal of white shattered.

It was like the door was rustier than normal, the room was darker. The only thing any of them could hear was the breathing of the person next to them.

"But how is that possible?" Tsume asked, her eyes were wide. It was like everyone in the room looked truly their age.

"It's terrifying." Hiruzen said as he nodded towards the Shinobi. "And as much as I want to find out what happened, I simply cannot by myself."

"Hence the meeting." Fugaku said leaning back in his chair. His face as stoic as it always was.

The Hokage nodded. "Which is why I believe that any intentions of these individuals would have already been done."

Chōza grunted, his chair squeaking it's disagreement as he leaned forward. "Alright. I get it. The next person gets it. The entire room gets it. Get to it already."

Shikaku shot a warning glare at his friend, but Chōza didn't back down.

If there were Anbu in this room they would no doubt be giving the clan head the stink eye. It's the best they could do, but the indication of it isn't pretty.

"Of course." Hiruzen replied, unfazed.

"Inoichi, Shikaku, I want you two to start investigations of any suspicious persons, this includes our own men as well." Shikakus eyebrows furrowed. "Yes sir." He replied with a nod.

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