Memorable Moments

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Ok so little Authors note here, big things are happening, obviously, and lots things will continue to happen, but during this point in time I don't really plan on anything out of village or in village occurrences until the last year of Graduation, and I decided that would be 2 years from now in the timeline (I don't care if its accurate or not just enjoy the story)

But the pacing would be way too fast if I just skipped to then, so I'm hoping to have at least 2-3 funny stories, like world building and character development y'know? So just get prepared for some good funny comedy and not life or death situations.

I've been bullying the three for a good minute now they deserve a break lol.

Naruto grabbed his pants before shoving his legs through the holes, typically he would wear shorts, but with all the mud, he would rather get his pants dirty than his bare legs.

As a kid he was fond of rainy weather, it became muddy, nasty flies or mosquitoes went away, he could be dirty and spread the mud wherever he pleased. But now, well other than the whole storm a few weeks ago, when he got kidnapped n' all, he had liked it a little less.

But especially during the war, whenever rain came so did halting of supplies and plans, so no one got hurt by causing a mud slide or something.

So, he will tolerate it today because it seems to be a harmless spring shower, even seems possible a rainbow will be in the sky by the end of the day, he hadn't seen one in a hot minute.

He stumbled slightly as he finished pulling on the sweatpants before he turned the doorknob of his apartment. After the whole kidnapping thing and he said it happened because he wanted to go out for food, his allowance was increased.

He's getting about the same amount for a month every two weeks. So, it's something to look forward to. He plans on saving, but since this is his first, he thought he'd spend some of it on ramen.

He hadn't had a good bowl since the start of the war, so he can excuse himself for it this once.

He was slightly relieved to feel only 3 people following him, there must have been a mission that caused a decrease in Anbu guarding him. It happens every once in a while, if he had to guess, well he wants to imagine, a princess of some sort getting kidnapped, and they have to deal with a winy little snot ball for a couple of days.

Naruto snickered to himself and realized he was probably projecting, he had a similar occurrence when he went on a mission with Sakura, this kid for some reason only liked Sasuke! So, he had to use a henge for her to even listen to him.

He sighs fondly at the memory but shook his head. He'll think about those stupid little missions when Shikamaru is around to laugh with him.

Naruto hummed as he turned the ever so familiar corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Where...? It isn't here? He could have sworn it was here the last time he went!

Naruto was mulling it over; did he really just get lost? In his hometown? That he has lived in his entire life?? That's when he hit himself over the head, "Of course!" He was thinking of after it got smashed by Nagato. They had moved it somewhere else during the rebuilding of the town that followed shortly after. He sighed, he wished they finished rebuilding.

He figured if he was going to think about a grim topic anyway, why not think about what happened to the two? What happened to old man Teuchi and his daughter Ayame? They had stayed behind to help reconstruction of the village, which he knows was indefinitely stopped due to the infinite Tsukuyomi.

He had been so distracted that he didn't even think about what happened to the two, a part of him liked to believe they were just fine and still running the stand, and while its completely possible, he knows the village reconstruction stopped and they would have had to move somewhere.

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