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Shikamaru groaned as he rolled over. The sun was right in his face, but despite this it looked to be the middle of the night. He groaned once more before he sat up, he was immediately hit with a wave of confusion. It was night, the only thing that he could see that could count towards lighting, would be the stars and the moon.

Immediately he stood up, he must have fallen asleep outside again, he looked at his clothes and while dirty, that seemed like the worst of it. Shikamaru huffed through his nose before he looked around. He could sense someone, it was strange, he couldn't really pinpoint where the person was, it was putting him on edge though. He doesn't know what a flickering chakra signature meant; he wasn't a sensor.

He decided he's more than well equipped to deal with a surprise attack, so he followed what he hoped was this mystery person's trail. He wasn't rushing by any means, he had no reason to, as he walked, he noted how the signature wasn't moving like he thought it was, but it was a lot further away than he had guessed.

He picked up his pockets on the sides of his jacket and shook them free of any dirt that managed to get in them. He was due for a clothing change soon; his mother would never approve of this.

He put his hands in his pockets shortly after and almost immediately he hid his own signature, this whole chakra control thing was nice, he should have trained it sooner honestly. He's shocked Sakura didn't boast about her perfect control more often, this stuff is hard.

He hopped into a tree branch as he slowed to a stop, there it was, the signature, but despite this, there were two people. One of them, now that he was aware of his existence, was clearly suppressing his chakra.

He frowned as he recognized one of them as Itachi, He was in his Anbu outfit. If he was, he was on a mission, he's curious what it could have been, and if it had something to do with inside the village. Though he can tell now that he can see the two, Itachi was well off, the other not so much. The other he could recognize as the flickering chakra. And now that he's closer he can tell that it's Shisui. Itachi was whispering some hushed words, and the flickering would stop, but then burst up again.

He couldn't tell what they were doing, but Itachi was trying to tell Shisui to stop the flickering. He wouldn't understand why they would in the first place, he's giving away his location.

Itachi took off his mask rather suddenly and tossed it to the ground as he took off his jacket. His movements were erratic, panicked even. Shikamaru's eyebrows knitted together, this was serious, he still couldn't really tell what was going on, especially with how dark it was, but with how Itachi is acting, something is going on, something serious.

It wasn't until Itachi started going through a nearby bag that he saw the state Shisui was in, he was bleeding badly near his stomach, the clothes were way to bloody and baggy to tell the pinpoint of injury, Shisui was going in and out of consciousness, which would explain the flickering chakra.

Itachi was talking quietly to himself mostly, but now that he removed the mask, he wasn't the calm and stoic Itachi he had found himself familiar with.

Shikamaru realized pretty quickly that this may have not happened originally, the two of them were trying to deal with the coup, but with Sasuke missing, Itachi is hardly helping Shisui out, and as a result Shisui got himself hurt, badly.

Shikamaru grabbed for a scroll in his bag, he doesn't have anything in terms of good medical supplies, but he has some blood pills from his father after explaining what happened when Naruto got kidnapped, and looking at the state Shisui is in, it's probably the only way to keep him from bleeding out.

Itachi looked up as soon as Shikamaru unsealed the pills from his scroll. It no doubt sent a small wave of chakra, and he'd be truly dumb if he thought he wouldn't get caught. Itachi grabbed for a kunai immediately and threw it as soon as his fingers accurately wrapped around the blades handle. Shikamaru moved his head out of the way, a head shot isn't the smartest way to go when using a kunai.

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