The first of many

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Sasuke finished his food shortly after he returned. If he were to be honest he appreciates the company his family provides. It's somehow different than that of Naruto's or Shikamarus, though it's definitely less comfortable than his friends.

"That's what happens when you skip lunch dear." His mother, Mikoto said with a laugh. She cares, but she can't help but poke at Sasuke. She was always a great mother, if he remembers correctly, but she was always more withdrawn than any of his friends mothers.

Itachi looked up and frowned. The lack of reaction from Sasuke was downright uncharacteristic. Mikoto seemed to notice this as well, but didn't say anything. I mean, what if he's just growing up? Not in Itachi's book he's not.

"Are you alright Sasuke." Itachi finally asked as the silence stretched. Sasuke looked up and shrugged. "Why?" Sasuke responded quickly. Itachis eyes narrowed, but he shook his head visibly in response. "Never mind." He responded

The chabudai shifted slightly as Shisui stood up. His food was finished, but the look that crossed his face as he said his goodbyes didn't make Sasuke feel any better about Shisui's departure.

Itachi frowned as he watched his cousin leave. Something was wrong, clearly. "Shisui, wait." Itachi said as he pulled himself from the floor. Sasuke watched slightly confused as the two left the front door together.

Mikotos eyebrows knitted together as she watched the boys leave through the front door. She looked at the plates left on the chabudai before nodding to herself. "Do you want to help me before going to bed Sasuke?" Sasuke nodded, getting up from his spot in the floor.

Sasuke took one last glance at the front door, as if Itachi or Shisui would appear at any moment. They never did. Not until later that night.

"Shisui wait!" Itachi yelled. He hardly had enough time to pull his shoes on, where could Shisui go that's suddenly so important. He could guess that answer easily, but in the end he had been wrong. "It's about Sasuke." Itachis eyebrows furrowed, "Do you know why he's suddenly acting differently?" Itachi asked.

Itachi had seen Sasuke withdrawn before, he's seen him purposely avoid conversations. But all his responses are almost robotic. And while he usually goes all over the place he's never done it without permission.

"I think something happened to him, maybe yesterday." Shisui finally responded. The house was no longer in view. "Then where are we going?" Itachi said with a frown.

Shisui looked back at Itachi before responding, "Well, right now I'm going to the Hokages office, for a mission." Shisui responded silently. "But either you or I should follow him tomorrow if he goes out." Itachi nodded slowly.

"We can't have..." Itachi trailed off. They never know who might be listening. "Right." Shisui responded. Ears and eyes are everywhere. It takes one word from one of them and the entire clan will be accused of treason.

"What are you getting a mission from the Hokage for?" Itachi finally asked. Shisui shook his head, "Maybe another time." Itachi frowned, he wanted to fight him, to make Shisui tell him but he was fairly familiar to this kind of treatment from his older cousin.

"Alright. But you promised me, just as I promised you, we wouldn't exclude each other from important plans." Shisui smiled before nodding, "of course Tachi, this is for my own benefit." He put his hand up before his body flickered, and he was gone.

Itachi's walk slower to a stop as he sighed. How were they supposed to do anything? The talk about the coup is slowly increasing, and they have yet to do anything to deter it.

Itachi's eyebrows furrowed as he considered what might be a very possible future. A horrible one.

Sasuke didn't really bother waiting for his mom to tell him he did a good job. All he did was being the dishes to the sink.

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