Krackens Wrath

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Naruto's eyebrows knitted together, thunder boomed behind them shaking the ground. Sasuke huffed before standing up, all the Shinobi surrounding them certainly weren't going to hold back...

"I'll use..." Sasuke trailed off as he looked at his hand. He's not even close to being well trained enough to use his other arm. "I'm... sorry Naruto." Sasuke finally said, Naruto watched as Sasuke tried to move his hand but it only twitched.

"I must have shattered the nerves in my hand using the chidori." Sasuke said as he looked towards the ground. Naruto shook his head, "This isn't your fault." Sasuke looked up once more before looking ahead towards the Shinobi.

A Shinobi turned as he heard the grass behind him begin to move. "We've got more incoming." He yelled before sending an earth ball in the direction.

"Naruto! Sasuke! We have to get out of here!" Shikamaru yelled as he rolled out of the way of another ball of mud.

Sasuke looked up and nodded towards Naruto. "Let's hurry." Naruto yelled over the rain.

Sasuke started running ahead with Naruto following closely behind. Sasuke used his fake arm to push the bushes out of the way, looking back he saw Shikamaru wasn't coming with.

"What the hell are you doing?" Naruto yelled as he noticed as well. Shikamaru growled, "I'll be right behind you!" He didn't bother turning his head, his hair clung to the sides of his face as his face contorted into a grimace.

"Krackens... shadow." Shikamaru said as he put his hands together. It's what he became known for during the war. He was capable of taking down squad after squad without moving an inch. Shikamaru waited before another light covered the sky in intricate lines.

The lightning can dispel his jutsu in seconds, and these seconds are going to be crucial.

Almost immediately after the bolt of lightning disappeared line after line of shadows erupted from Shikamarus shadow.

He had a good reserve of chakra stored from his meditation earlier, he doesn't want to sound cocky, he is, but with Naruto disoriented and Sasuke injured they won't be able to get away as easily as he can.

The ninja started grunting as they tried to move to no avail, shadows extended from the trees, the shadows of blades of grass, it was simply everywhere.

Shikamaru grunted as he felt sweat start to pool on his forehead, despite the constant rain washing it away he could tell that this was the first sign of his limit being reached.

He could feel his mind working with idea after idea. How to get away from the initial release of his jutsu.

"There's no time for thinking." He finally admitted to himself. They were fools to go get Naruto before talking to someone. If he dies here, good chance he won't be found, he doesn't want to torture his mother more than he already has.

Shikamaru held his pose for a moment longer before turning his head, usually he would use a similar torturing technique, he would hurt his body and in turn they'd hurt their own, but not only does he not have an immediate medic, he's too young to suffer an injury like that.

Shikamarus legs moved one then the other then the other again before his hands parted and he was running faster than he has ever had to in his life.

He could hear the shouts of realization as his jutsu dispelled which he wished came later.

He was a good amount away from them, but it would be strange if they didn't give chase, which they unfortunately did. 

He chose the right time to run however, a bit of light came from the sky before thunder echoed in its place. Had he stayed for those 30 seconds he would have been screwed.

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