Part 9

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Some months later

God Nick you owe me for this one.

I'm undercover doing a mission for him getting intel on someone supplying hydra, that's all I've been told. He continuous to tell me that he will tell me more when he knows that it's safe but I'm impatient and like to know what's going on.

I'm holding an illusion that I've created distracting the dozen of men in this warehouse. As I walk over to their computers placing the USB stick in, I copy and begin to transfer all the files on the computer on to the stick and wait.

I grab the half eaten bag of pretzels and begin eating them whilst I stare at the men captivated by my illusion when suddenly my burner phone starts to ring

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I grab the half eaten bag of pretzels and begin eating them whilst I stare at the men captivated by my illusion when suddenly my burner phone starts to ring.

"Shit" I whisper pulling it out quickly answering it as I look to see the men still stuck in my illusion

"Hello?" I say whisper pissed

"Y/N!?" A familiar voice says in panic

"Pepper?" I question concerned

"OMG I've been trying to reach you for days"

"Pepper what are you doing awake, shouldn't you be asleep" I continue to whisper

"Y/N I know that you're really busy handling somethings but I wouldn't call you if-" she begins

"What's wrong?" I question turning back to look at the computer. 37% transferred.

"One of Tony's robot almost just killed me in my sleep" she says quickly stand their shocked not knowing what to say.

"it... huh?"

"Yeah said that he must have called it in his sleep, he hasn't been able to sleep since New York. Him nearly dying has really affected him and look I know how close you two are and I know that you have some uh experience with this sort of trauma. Look this is stupid I'm really sorry I shouldn't ha-"

"I'll be on the next plane out" I say gently easing her mind

"Really?" she asks letting out a deep breath

"of course, I mean I'm desperate to do anything to keep my mind busy so babysitting him will be fun"

"god Y/N thank you so much I-" she begins when another mind enters the area.

"Look Pepper I gotta go but I'll see you soon" I quickly say hanging up. "common transfer quicker" I say impatiently looking at the computer, 50%. I sigh. A car pulls up outside, 3 more men. "shit"

I pull out the knife from my hip and throw it out the crack of one of the window high near the ceiling, the knife continuous on moving till it slash the 2 front tires of the car. The knife continuous around re-entering the warehouse through another window on the other side it left from, falling back into my hand. I follow their minds also making sure my illusion stays up. The 3 men get out.

"Hey the tires" one says. I quickly look at the computer 75%

"take you're sweet time I mean it's not like you're going to expose me, stupid computer" I whisper

"How did this happen?" one asks. I look at one of the men entrapped in my illusion and see a knife on his belt. I gently pull the knife out to my hand before throwing it back out the window this time aiming to it to land on the floor behind the car. As it hits the grown the 3 men walk to behind the car and find the knife.

"Bloody Romeo always leaving his knives in the worst places and now look he's costed us tires" one yells picking up the knife. 89% left

"We'll pull it from his cut, once we deliver these weapon parts and plans we'll be loaded" another says reassuring the other man

"How long you think this one will continue to last before it gets taken down like the one here did. Bloody Hydra always tells us they'll be fine then bam gone" the man who's stayed quiet asks. I freeze. curiously I enter his mind.

"God Peter's going to love this delivery" he thinks to himself. Peter as in our master Peter? He leans over looking into one of the 6 crates in front of him. He reaches into it and pulls out a small thin black knife, I know that knife, that's my knife. Our weapon suppliers, I always thought they made the weapons themselves.

I pull myself out of his mind when the computer beeps quietly telling me that it's done. I quickly pull the USB out and slip it into my pocket, the 3 men outside begin to make their way to the door on the eastern side. I look at the men still stuck in my illusion, I re-attach myself to the rope dangling down from the ceiling. I press the button on my hip as it pulls me up. Once I'm on top I put the cover back on the roof and drop the illusion carefully as I enter the men's minds seeing them ease out of it thinking it was a day dream but not saying anything at they didn't want to get told off for slacking off. the other 3 men enter, not a single trace of me being there.

I quickly leave knowing that I have to speak to Nick and also not tell him about the phone call with Pepper.


I stand in front of the two graves with my bag beside me.

"I'm heading off, but I'll be back. I promised I'd always come back I'll keep that" I say before picking up my bag and heading towards the car.

Fury's Agent #2Where stories live. Discover now