Part 12

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After stealing the jet and flying to a clearing as close to Tennessee as I could I steal another car to make my way to Tony. I look into his mind and see him getting arrested in a bar, I sign continuing to watch was it happening whilst also keeping my eyes on the road.

"Holy shit Tony what is happening in that bar!" I yell pushing my foot flat to the floor. I watch the woman light the building on fire with tony in it through his eyes, he runs into the back.

"Put the dog tags in the microwave" I send to him

"God I must be going crazy if I'm hearing Libby's voice in my head" he says allow as he put the dog tags in the microwave.

"You were born crazy Stark, be ready this is gonna be a quick pick up" I send back to him. Suddenly an explosion goes off a few streets away "found ya". Speeding over I pick up the mind of a guy standing on a water tower. "shit" I slam on the breaks listening to his thoughts to make up a plan. He melts the metal of the tower dropping it, i get out of the car quickly following the guys mind knowing he's heading for Tony. Just as I make my way to the pile of metal Tony blasts him with his Repulsors.

"Jesus if I new you could handle yourself I wouldn't have ran" I yell stepping over the piles of metal heading towards Tony.

"Holy shit it's actually you! Y/Nwhat are you doing here? I wasn't going crazy" he says with a massive smile.

"I hope you're smiling about seeing me and not the going crazy part which you already were crazy" I say smiling back at him. I notice his leg stuck under some metal. I use my powers to life the metal up off him as he slips his leg out quickly.

"You couldn't have come any sooner?" he questions smiling as he walks over to me.

"Well I'm sorry that you jet flies so slow" I reply as he pulls me into a hug.

"Wait you flew my jet?" he questions quickly pulling me out of the hug

"Yup and your security made it really easy to do" I reply pulling him back in

"well in their defence you are the top assassin in Australia and possibly even the world" he laughs as we pull out of the hug. I punch him really hard in the shoulder and he falls back. "Owww! what the hell was that for?"

"Oh you cannot say that you didn't deserve that, in fact you deserve much more than one punch. Pepper is going out of her mind, I was" I say sternly as I make my way over the man tony just blasted reaching my hand into his pocket pulling out his car keys. "Much easier than hot wiring" I say as I swing them around my finger making my way through the metal to find his car. 

As we walk through to the road Tony follows behind me picking up a newspaper as I try to find the car.

"You're welcome" A kid says as he walks towards Tony. "Also is that the girl from New York, is she the friend you told me about?" he adds

"so this is the kid I've been hearing so much about in that big old head of yours" I sent to Tony spinning around in a circle continuing to look for the matched car

"Shut up you" he replies pointing at me "And her ignore her and also "you're welcome" for what? Did I miss something?" he asks the kid. Not gonna lie Tony talking to a kid is a very very rare site.

"Me, saving your life" the kid responds. I laugh slightly knowing Tony's reaction

"Yeah. A, I saved you first. B, thanks sort of. And C, if you do someone a solid, don't be a yutz, alright? Just play it cool. otherwise you come off grandiose." Tony says.

"Got it" I add walking to the drivers side of the car.

"Unlike you?" the kid speaks up, i laugh a bit. kids got guts. Tony stops and look at him. "Admit it. You need me. We're connected." the kid adds, I look into his head and see how he's seen Tony throughout the time they've spent together. oh shit, who the hell sees Tony as a father, I mentally push my palm to my face and shake my head in sympathy for this poor kid.

"Tony be nice" I send but he just ignores

"What I need is for you to go home, be with your mum, keep your trap shut, guard the suit, and stay connected to the telephone because if I call you better pick up. Ok? Can you feel that? We're done here. Move out the way or she'll run you over. Bye, Kid." Tony finishes getting into the car, I sigh shaking my head as I stand between the car door and the seat.

"Hey kid, ignore him" I send to him and give him a wink as his eyes bulge at me before quickly smiling. 

"You're so much cooler than him" he whispers

"Heard that" Tony tells as I get into the car and turn it on.

"Tony wind your window down" I say looking at him, he just looks ahead so I wind it down. he sighs and looks back at the kid.

"I'm sorry kid. You did good." he says truthfully

"So now you're just gonna leave me here, like my dad?" The kid adds, I look once more into his head and see that he's actually trying to pull on the sympathy strings which don't exist in Tony Stark. I shake my head, kid tried.

"yeah. Wait you're guilt-tripping me aren't you?" Tony asks, gotta hand it to the kid he had him for a second.

"I'm cold" I kid continues with the act, making me quietly laugh.

"I can tell. You know how I can tell?" Tony mocks pouting, "Because we're connected" he finished. "Quick Y/N Go!" he yells at me. I take off laughing whilst Tony just sighs.

"You know you'd make a good dad, wouldn't raise a sook of a child. although i dont know how i'd feel about a little tony runny around, nothing could prepare the world for that." I laugh

"There's only one Tony Stark and that' how it's going to stay forever" he says sternly looking out the window. I look at him and see the tired look on his face.

"Get some rest, I'll wake you when we arrive" 

"mmm can I see your license" he pushes back, i scoff and take one hand off the steering wheel to reach into my back pockets where I create an illusion of a driver's license. he laughs, "you're quick, how many times you pulled that card"

"More than you'll ever be able to guess" I reply keeping my eyes on the road. I feel Tony's mind ease into a sleep. 

"I got him Pep, I'll look after him" I send to her mind feeling it ease.

"We owe you one Y/N" she replies

"What are friends for?" I send back

"Family Y/N, you are family" 

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