Part 13

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"OMG Tony Stark you snore louder than any living creature" I huff, "but knowing what Pep told me you need the sleep", I finish as I hold the cover over his mind preventing any flashbacks and nightmares.

Suddenly a tense mood fills all minds around us, I run through each one and see a live broad cast where the Mandarin is pointing a gun about to kill someone. "shit" i whisper searching around for a mind, "gottcha Mr President". he calls a number whilst watching the screen. the phone rings in the background of the broadcast as the president's thoughts race by in a panic whilst he talks to the people in the room. BANG! the gun goes off killing the man for everyone to see, everyone gasps. "he's playing a game" i whisper. The presidents mind turns to a panic and he stares at the TV screen. I search for the Mandarins mind, mind after mind after mind until silence. I stop. "common, what's going through that rotten head of yours?" I whisper concentrating on his mind but also the road. but nothing, silence, emptiness. he's waiting.

"I'll find you" he finishes before the camera turns off.

"American's, so gullible" he thinks.

"what?" i question focusing hard on his mind.

"Right you all know the drill star-" he begins but is cut off "BEEEEEEEEEEEP!" I pull out of his mind and see a truck coming towards us, I quickly swerve back into out lane.

"I am just going to pretend that didn't happen" Tony speaks up.

"Oh shut up. Dammit I just missed his plan" I yell hitting the steering wheel.

"Good morning to you too, and who's?"

"The Mandarin's. I was in his head, he's doing something. Were those people back there working for him?" I ask and look at Tony, he immediately starts looking around the car. "well looks like I will be having a change of plans". 

"I'm sorry excuse you?" he snaps looking at me.

"No excuse you, I am taking you home, I'll deal with the Mandarin I love fruit and you will go back home to Pepper where you are safe Mr PTSD". 

"News for you kid" he laughs back as he reaches back over behind the seats. He pulls out some files and begins flicking through them before throwing them on the dash board rubbing his head. "You know this is all in the spotlight, something you hate Ms I don't want to be an Avenger".

"Go back to sleep". I stay sternly in a motherly tone as I look ahead into the darkness. He sighs before quickly reaching for the same files, this time staring at them differently, like something clicked in his mind. i lean over to look but he pushes me back

"no, no focus on the road, though I'd much rather you just let the car drive itself" he says not looking up from the files. I look back over at him and see his expression change.

"No offence but I am never going to trust technology, robots can turn on you at anytime. what are you thinking?" i ask

"Chad Davis had MIA on his file what's MIA backwards?" he asks as i stare at him confusingly


"exactly these people are the targets" he clarifies sitting up right

"omg" I whisper "Rhodey! the red, white and blue attack dog. AIM! shit." i finish shaking my head. 

"you got your phone?" he asks

"yeah" i reach into my back pocket and pull out my burner phone handing it to him. "Do you know his number?"

"Fish, I know everything" he cockily replies making me scoffs.

"Hello?" an old familiar voice asks through the phone. 

"You ever have a chick straddling you and you look up and suddenly she's glowing from the inside out, kind of a bright orange?" Tony begins and I mentally palm my face.

"Yeah I've had that, who is this?" Rhodey replies 

"it's me pal" tony replies "now last time i went missing if i remember correctly you came looking for me. What are you doing?" tony asks as weird sounds come back through the phone.

"A little knock and talk. making friends in Pakistan. what are you doing?".

"BEEEEP" another truck

"Shit" I whisper swerving again refocusing on the road and not Tony.

"Trying not to be run over by a truck. Your redesign, your big rebrand, that was AIM right?" Tony says sharply giving my a side eye glare

"yeah wait-"Rhodey begins

"I'm gonna find a heavy duty comm sat right now, i need your login"

"It's the same as it's always been, WarMachine68"

"And password please?"

"well look i gotta change it every time you hack in to it Tony"

"It's WARMACHINEROX, all caps with and x" I say after reading his mind from being impatient. Tony laughs

"Y/N that you?" rhodey asks

"yes rhode it's me, since you didn't wanna play hide and seek with this nob head I did, so you owe me" I say and see out of the corner of my eyes an event and a news van .I swing the car around fast turning the other way.

"Jesus a bit of warning next time would be nice, this isn't fast and the furious Fish" Tony yells in a panic but relaxes when he sees the van quickly hanging up. "Ok I'll get what I need Y/N I need you to get back to Pepper"

"excuse me no, hey noI'm meant to take you back to her. So I'm gonna do this and you're gonna let this car drive you to Pepper"

"Do you know how to use a heavy duty comm stat and hack? Didn't you just say something too about technology being evil? I don't think you're in the right head space to be doing this, not with all this negative energy towards technology" he questions in an arrogant and playful tone as he stares at me. I swing into a park startling him as he puts his hands out grasping stuff whilst his eyes pop out of his head.

"Believe it or not Tony but anything you can do, I can do better" I reply as I apply the hand break, lock his door and unbuckle my belt. 

"No Fish wait!" he pleads grabbing my wrist, I huff and turn to him, "I need to do this, please, you can help me so you know I don't die but please." he stares at me with actual begging eyes, rare for Tony. I huff again and shake my head looking away.

"Fine. BUT, 1 you need to wear the cowboy hat because well it's here, and 2 you listen to me ok, Pepper needs you alive, I need you alive. OK?"

"Awwww you're so sweet" he replies as I give him a stern look, fear creeps into his eyes. "Deal." he says quickly. I unlock his door.

"three Minutes then I'm coming in, we need to move fast Tony"

"Always Fish" he finished as he gets out and slams the door.

"Fuck my life" i groan as I rub my tired face. I push my chair back so i'm lying down and close my eyes and begin saying "One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi..." 

A/N gonna be working on finishing this is the next few days, so sorry for the wait. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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