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20 minutes later, Sakusa found himself in the bedroom of the very girl he liked, awkwardly perched on the armchair by her bookshelf whilst she dragged her desk chair over from the other side of her room, pen and paper in hand.

"We should set out the backstory and rules of our relationship before we do this," Kirika started, setting down the paper and pens whilst she got comfortable in her seat.

"Why would we need a backstory?" Sakusa asked, removing his mask after seeing the lack of dust in Kirika's bedroom.

"Just in case people ask about it. We need to be on the same track so they don't question if it's real or not." Kirika explained, uncapping her pen. Sakusa nodded in understanding.

"We can just keep it simple and say I confessed to you and we started dating from there, it doesn't have to be anything fancy." Kirika started to write down what she thought, leaving room underneath for Sakusa to add anything he wanted.

"We should call each other by our first names to make it more believable," sakusa added, taking a pen for himself and beginning to write.

"Affection minimal but enough to make it look like we're dating," Kirika said, Sakusa nodded cooly, looking unbothered, but his ears tinged pink.

"Are hand-holding and the occasional hug okay with you?" She asked gently, looking up to meet his eyes. She knew of his dislike of people and didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Yes." sakusa said, maybe too eagerly, but Kirika didn't seem to notice and she wrote it down.

"How long should we do this for?" He asked, it suddenly dawned on him that they'd have to fake a breakup at some point.

"I'm not sure..." Kirika began, tapping the end of her pen against her chin. "We should analyse the rumours and how much attention people are paying us every two weeks. If people stop caring that we're dating, we should start to plan our breakup."

"Sounds good to me." Sakusa agreed, signing his name at the bottom of the paper as if it were a proper contract, Kirika doing the same.

It did not, in fact, sound good to him. He wanted to continue doing this even if it were fake. He'd barely ever gotten the chance to talk to her for god's sake, and now he got to act like her boyfriend? In his mind that just put him 10 steps closer to becoming her actual boyfriend.

And that's when it hit him. What if he made it his mission to make Kirika fall head over heels with him before their fake break-up?


The next day went smoothly. They held hands in the corridor, spent break time and lunchtime together and acted like the perfect couple. Nobody had asked yet about how and why they were together so they went about their day as they normally would.

They were surprisingly comfortable around each other and became fast friends despite never having spoken before two days ago. They were both glad of this since it made their act more believable.

Sakusa was walking Kirika to the school gate when Komori ran over to them. He look excited but that wasn't unusual for him.

"Kiyoomi! Why don't you bring Kirika to practice? The team want proof that you actually have a girlfriend." Komori chuckled, scratching his neck and avoiding eye contact as if he already knew what the answer was going to be 'no'.

"No, we don't need to prove anything--"

"You'll let me come watch won't you 'Yoomi?" Kirika smiled. She genuinely did want to watch him play, she'd heard that he was amazing from people who'd attended his games and wanted to see for herself.

"Of course."

Sakusa nearly imploded at the new nickname, it was an effort to stop his face from turning beet red. He knew he was down bad already, he simply couldn't deny her.

Instead, he took her hand and began walking in the direction of the gym to get her a seat on the bench next to the coach before he went off with Komori to get changed.


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