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Owen pov

I looked over at Dr. Wu and crossed my arms, "so...I heard that I'm supposed to 'tame' this dilo," "yes, I thought if you could tame a Utah, you could tame another creature"


"I met them when they were babies" "and you just met this dilo and yet she already seems trainable enough." "We picked her up from the wild!" "Technically not the wild..." "wild enough to where we would need many safety precautions!" "Don't worry you'll get your free dental care" "I dont even need that!" "Well anyways you better start now" "Wait I need to know what I'm dealing with here!" "Your dealing with a female dilophosaurus that was supposedly and alpha before a Rex ate them all." "What" "we found a whole pack of dilo's dead on the shore their bodies were being picked over by some compy, we saw foot steps leaving however, so we know one lived." "And you assumed it was her?" " Of course there were no more reported dilophosaurus." I nodded and turned around to face the creature. She seemed pretty happy for her whole pack to die recently...

Your pov

I was purring in delight as I just recently jumpscared a worker, she looked so scared! It was absolutely hilarious. I got up and did a lil stretch to pop some aching bones. So far all humans are dumb and mean. Why does blue get a clean tank thing and I get this weird wacky cage. Very discriminating against us frilled lizards, or dinosaurs. Soon me and blue made eye contact and started making weird some what communicating sounds. Of course every dinosaur has their own language but everyone has a basic sound and movements that display a mimic of a universal language. For example growls, barking, hissing, body language. Many things could be used to convey a message and we were having the talk of a life time while the humans were all confused

Our chat in a more human like way Would be



Cage nice?


You hungry?





Not me







Be safe




Not enemy

Oh k






We No

My cage

Very painful?





Talk past?




That was our conversation however the humans heard a bunch of growls hissing and weird barks

Owen pov

What is happening even the other dinosaurs are paying attention like they understand...?
"They seem to be communicating." I look to the scientist again "how they are different species?" He looked at me an chuckled "every dinosaur understands the universal language, us humans do it as well." He seemed entertained and enticed by the dilo I however was not, those things are weird... I look back at blue and the dilo to see them playing?? What would you even call that?

Your pov

We were shaking our buts in the air with our tails like snakes :)

Owen pov

I looked at wu concerned but he seemed so entertained....I give up
And walk to the back where the Rex was supposedly held down. I heard something fall and ran to see my work friends all on top of eachother
"What are you doing here!?" "We needed to save the dinosaurs" "I'm already doing that." I look at Claire and I see her sweat drop from The awkward situation she put herself in, "could you help us?" I sigh and begin to enter the cart when the Rex moves only to throw everyone out. "Yall should practice before doing a 'rescue' mission"

Owen Grady x hybrid reader Where stories live. Discover now