hunting and eggs

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me and snow fang decided to hunt since we were getting hungry luckily it's the winter and snow fang can hunt better I watched as he circled a group of compys that were munching of a carcass we purposefully left for them, he looked at me and I gave a nod of approval. he then sprang forward grabbing two compys by their  neck and cracking 2 others skulls by stepping on them. I rushed out and was able to grab two with my claws and snap their necks. Once we got the food we walked back towards our cave.

Once we had gotten back we proudly showed off the dead compy's and told them how our dead carcass plan worked, after that we feasted on the little guys and went off to bed

a couple days later we had gotten news that rose bloom is laying some eggs we were all excited especially her mate flame scale his brother snow fang came up to him and nuzzled his side in a playful manner and flame scale nuzzled him back shoving him a couple steps back a little bit annoyed but still playful anways. We all watched as flame scale took care of his mate and went on all of our hunting trips even though we told him many times that he should spend time with rose bloom and her eggs.

once the eggs were due only one had survived...everyone was sad that the other two had died...once she was born rose bloom had decided her first name shall be autumn and flame scale said that feather should be her last name because of her gentle personality, so it was decided that her name was autumn feather. We were all proud of the new family and we had went to get a big kill. Luckily we found a lone young stego. Perfect for our feast!

We slowly but surely dragged the carcass to our cave with no trouble surprisingly. Once we got there we had caught flame scale struggling with autumn feather grabbing onto his tail, he was swinging her around trying to get her off while she hung on desperately so she wouldn't fly into a rock or something. "Flame! Stop swinging your tail around autumn is having a hard time hanging on!" Rose bloom snapped as flame scale slowly lowered his tail, he bowed his head towards her and nuzzled her side, autumn came bounding over to us once she caught sight of the large kill. Once we got everyone together we started ripping into the stego's body, after eating we were all full and we heard a pterodactyl call from above, we called back in reassurance and it swooped down and got some scraps from our now shredded stego however autumn pounced at the ptera scaring it away flame scale sighed and pulled her away to explain somethings to her. Soon night came about and everyone went to bed while I stayed awake to keep watch, "hey y/n why don't you let me keep watch tonight?" Snow fang whispered while he sat down next to me "no I'm good, I need to keep watch and make sure no one gets hurt" "but you need to sleep, we just got a pretty big kill, it would be best for you to rest tonight" "snow fang ease let me just keep watch I'll be fine" snow fang sighed and looked back out "fine. Then I will stay here with you" "but-" "sorry but I'm not gonna let you stay out here." "OK then, if you must."

Owen Grady x hybrid reader Where stories live. Discover now