years later

400 6 0

y/n pov

shadow graze and me were on a duo hunting trip he was about to strike the compy when I saw a rex so I quickly grabbed him down before the rex saw us, after the rex scared away our prey we quickly bolted out of there thanking the heavens that we were down wind of the rex.

shadow graze pov

me and my mom had just narrowly escaped the rex luckily we were down wind of it but before we could go back we need to get some food, we couldn't leave the others hungry, so we started back to our hunting area after grabbing some swift kills and some that needed more effort we happened to bring 4 compys and 1 galiminus.

After the pack ate and went back to their sleeping quarters, I went to my siblings, "hey shadow!" "sup shadow!," I sat down once I had gotten to them "sup rain,hey storm" "where have you been shadow?" my sister storm asked "I went on a hunting trip with my mom" "your lucky to get alpha as your mom...but don't get me wrong I love our mom!" "it's ok storm mom won't mind, plus I think she is jealous she took shadow aswell" I started chuckling at their statements, yes I was the alphas son but I don't get any special privileges, plus that would be wrong even if I am her son I can't get special privileges plus she taught me that I should be fair to everyone even if they may be in a lesser rank. "hey shadow you there?"  my sister started nudging me with her nose "aye stop it!" I complained in a whiny "hey storm stop being annoying" "I wasn't trying to be annoying on purpose!" "oh stop complaining strom!" after a while of them fighting I decided to leave I couldn't handle them being this annoying to me and eachother no matter how much you can try you will never stop hearing their bickering. after getting to my mom's den and laying down I had finally fell asleep to the sounds of the pack snoring.

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