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once autumn had learned how to walk and talk she was allowed to go on her first task which was to get some water.

autumn pov-

I finally found the waterfall and squealed in joy, took me long enough. I soon took some well deserved sips from the waterfall. Once finished I began to try and find my way home, I had only gotten so far when a couple small dilos fell out of a bush. they were obviously smaller than me and scared out of their mind, they hissed and and faked a attack at me but I stood still while sniffing the air to see if their mom was around, once I found no evidence of their mom I slowly picked them up against their will. They started flailing around and calling for help but to no avail.

Once I had gotten back all the dilos greeted me with congratulations and joy but it didn't last once they saw what was in my mouth...
"um...who are they?" my mother asked a little concerned and angry
"I found them on the way back from the lake"
"yeah..did you steal them?"my alpha asked glancing at the baby dilos
"no. no I did not." my face deadpanned once she asked that,
she seemed to have realized she asked a stupid question cause she lowered her head a little ashamed,after a bit she looked back up at the kids with kind eyes, "I'll take one of them as my own and the others are to be raised by you"
"b-but! alpha you can't be serious!?"
"I know that your young but you brought them so you raise them." she said it in such a stern voice that I bowed my head in submission to her orders and obeyed.

y/n pov-

I watched as she bowed her head in submission to my command and so I went over and picked up the green and black one and started towards my den after I layed the baby down I  curled up around him while listening to his little cute snores.

Why did I take one?

I literally could've have giver them all to her -_-

Owen Grady x hybrid reader Where stories live. Discover now