Chapter One

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The sun shined hot against the desert sands, the grains gliding along as the wind sang. In the middle of this vast, empty desert, stood a monumental sandstone prison. It was decorated with artwork of the Hylian culture, but like many things nowadays, it is Gerudo property. This prison is surrounded by six pillars, meant to symbolize the six sages. Within its coliseum-esque walls, are many halls, rooms, and chambers with no particular order, really. It was made to be confusing so the prisoners have less of a chance to escape. At the center, there is circular chamber open to the elements, and at this chambers center, there is an ancient mirror: The Mirror of Twilight.

This mirror was once used by Hylians to banish criminals into another realm. No one knows what the other side looks like, and no one dares to find out. This mirror sits on a pedestal, and usually reflects the light of the gods upon a large slab of mysterious stone, but of course, since Ganondorf's reign... We have lost our ability to use this mirror for the fear it would give us too much power. The sages used their power, and took the slab from us. Now, it is just a lonely mirror, upon a pedestal in the middle of a sandstone prison... The Arbiter's Grounds.

Now all you can hear are the terrified cries and hopeless moans of those innocent souls who have had their lives confiscated, waiting for their execution date, the day they'd be saved from this awful reality, to enter a world where they can dream forever. And their taker, a man that would change my life forever, stood on that pedestal... Clad in armor, taking a handsome pose with his Gerudo battle axe poised before him with his hands resting upon its pommel. He awaited to do a deed he so did not want to do, but did it anyways for the sake of his own life. An ironic exchange in my opinion... Life for death. It feels like everything is already dead.

I watched him stand there with his legs apart, observing the people who approached him in chains, sobbing, fearful. One by one, they lined up before him, the first on their knees already. People after them started yelling in protest, begging. But the knight did not waiver. What did he feel? Did he feel anything? Anything at all? I watched the axe raise, and I couldn't watch anymore. I turned my head, closing my eyes. I heard a splattering sound as the weapon smacked the stone, the head thudding away. These sounds made me open my eyes, this time in horror. This is what has became of us. Bloodshed. This is what we tried to stop... And we failed. How could I have done this to my kingdom??...

* * *

Zelda soaked in the warm water of the marble bathtub, her golden auburn blonde hair slightly darkened from being wet, the strands slicked back on her head. Her soft skin was pale with warm undertones, and her eyes were the rich color of a deep swimming hole within a crystal clear river, that crystal-teal color, or petrol blue perhaps. Beads of water rested on her eyelashes as she sat slightly slouched over, looking down at the water's dancing surface. Candles were lit in her bathroom, as she hoped the herbs within them would do something for her mental state. Times of solitude allowed her times of relaxation, times where she could draw, read, and just appreciate the life she's been given. Now however, times of solitude were deadly. She didn't want to be near people anymore just as much as she didn't want to be alone. When everything's quiet for her, she would find her inner thoughts getting to her. The demons that would beckon for her to join the darkness, to just go to sleep. She didn't want to do anything but sleep. There was nothing to look forward to anymore. She was a prisoner in her own castle. A queen, but as the Gerudo King's wife, she had no rights.

Would it matter if she stayed alive anymore?... He needed her for her triforce, so if she died, he couldn't have that anymore.

Would it matter..?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door that made her jump. Her head raised, her posture straightened, and she looked right to the door.

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