Into the Past

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You and your team are making your way to the hideout.

As you jump amongst the trees, you start to see something powerful heading towards your way. Your eyes widened, and you saw a big blue lion. You grabbed the tree branch underneath you and swung down to dodge it. Your team stopped moving and looked at you confused.

"Y/n why are you hanging off a tree?" Lee asked you.

You looked at him confused. "You didn't see that? There was a big chakra li-" You were cut off when you saw the lion more clearly. 
The kids looked at it shocked but they dodged it just in time. 

"See! That's why!" You yelled at them. You let go of the tree and landed on the ground. You looked forward and yelled. "I know you're there, come out!" You start to hear the leaves rustling. Soon you saw Himawari, Naruto, Sasuke, and-

"Chocho..?" Sarada mumbled as she looked at her best friend.

"Himawari, old man! Why are you here!?" Boruto yelled. Himawari turned her head and glared at you. You looked at her but you're not glaring at her. you have no bad meaning in your eyes.

"We came here to take you kids back to the village." Naruto answered.

"But aren't we Rogue Ninjas?" Shikadai looked at him confused. Naruto sighed and shook his head.

"We can work something out, so we'll make sure that nothing happens to you," 

"There, problem solved," Chocho crossed her arms. "You can come back without worrying about punishment." 

You and Himawari kept quiet throughout the conversation. Himawari was making eye contact with you the whole time. Her eyes showed betrayal. You gave her a sad look. You raised your hand like you wanted to reach for her but you put your hand down and shook your head.

"I'm not going back to the village," You sighed. "If any of you want to go back to the village then you can, I won't stop you." 

"Who said that we'll be going back?" They all said with a smile on their face.

"What!? But you have too! That's your home! How can you leave it behind in crumbs!" Himawari yelled at them with rage. 

"Himawari calm down," You start to walk up to her but you stop when you see Sasuke glaring at you. 

Himawari starts to get into a fighting stance. "I'll do anything to take every last one of you home!" 

You looked at her shock. You looked behind yourself and gave your team a serious look.

"I'll handle this" You gave them a smirk.

"Y/n you don't have to do this alone," Lee told you.

"Yeah, but it's just Himawari," You looked back at Himawari.

"Himawari what are you doing? This is dangerous," Naruto told her.

"Yeah, she's no joke, you can get ki-" Chocho soon got interrupted by Himawari.

"I want to see the results of my training." She took a deep breath. "My ultimate goal here is to bring them back to the village."
Sasuke looked at her then at you. "Don't die," He then jumped onto a tree branch. Himawari nodded her head and walked up closer to you. Naruto let out a shaky sigh and jumped up onto a tree. Soon the others followed.

You got into your fighting  stance. As soon as you got there, Himawari was already rushing to you. Her hands start to have chakra around them. You dodged all of her attacks. 

You start to create distance away from her. 
"I can do long range too" She gave you a smirk. You gave her a confused look. 
"Air plam!" She thrust her arm in front of her, creating wind to head towards you. Immediately the wind hits you, making you fly into a tree. You quickly shook your head and placed your feet onto the tree. You were about to make hand signs but you stopped and shook your head. 

Akatsuki x Child reader (Y/n's life in boruto)Where stories live. Discover now