A Hokkaido wolf?

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I open the door to the office and walk to dad and mom's desk.

"Hey mom, dad" I smiled and waved to them.

"Hey honey." She ruffled my head.

"Y/n," Dad called me again, I looked towards his way. "You're going to the left village a-"

"REALLY!? I CAN FINALLY GO THERE!?" My mom started to laugh at my reaction.

"Yes now, You're going to the academy, but do not mention us. If you do, there is a possibility that something bad will happen." He explained

"Ok! When am I going?" I asked

"Tomorrow" My mom answered.

"YAAAAAY" I ran out of the office, yelling in excitement.

"Ughh Y/n keep it down, un" Deidara- nii complained

"What's going on here?" Ki-nii asked. Then all of my onii-chans are here.

"I'm going to the leaf village!!" I shouted. They were silent until Ki-nii Deidara-nii and Hidan-nii yelled.


"YAAY" Tobi-nii yelled, picking me up.

"That's not good you bitch!!" Hidan-nii yelled at Tobi-nii. Ita-nii was murmuring something. Kakuzu-nii stopped counting his money for a moment. Then the top of my head felt like it had been hit really hard, My lower back felt like it's burning. I leaned my head on Tobi-nii. My vision started to get blurry, then everything went black.

~ Time skip to morning ~

I woke up by something soft being pressed on my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw a small F/c Hokkaido wolf that has 11 tails, they're on my bed beside me.

"Hello little one, My name is Momiji and I am the 11 tailed beast, also you're a jinchuriki" She greeted herself. My eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you can talk? What's jinchuriki?" I asked, then I felt something soft on my leg, I looked down and saw a tail attached to me.

"Oh, yea before I forget you have a tail and ears."

I quickly touched the top of my head and I felt fluffy ears on my head.

"And I believe that your family can help you explain what a jinchuriki is. I'll be in here until you introduce me to them. Go, go" Momiji started to take me off of the bed and pushed me out of my own room.

I saw my onii-chans and my parents in one room doing something so I walked towards them.

"M-moring," I said quietly.

"Oh my-" My mom started.

"What the hell-" Hidan-nii said but got hit by mom.

"Is that a tail?" Zetsu-nii asked. Ita-nii only starred along with Sasori-nii and dad. Kakuzu-nii only looked up and then looked back at his money.

"Are you turning into an animal?" Kisame-nii asked me.

"Are you, un" Deidara-nii continued on the question. Tobi-nii ran up to me and started rubbing on my ear.

"So fluffy!" He yelled. "And your fluffy tail is wagging!"

I looked behind me and saw my tail wagging. I pulled his hands off of my ears.

"I have a question," I announced.

"What is it?" Mom asked.

"What is a jinchuriki?" I finally asked.

"Welllll, A jinchuriki is-" Tobi got cut off by mom.

"Why asked that? It's too complicated for your age."

"Well," I started and ran to my room, picked up Momiji, and brought her to everyone else. "Momiji said that I'm a jinchuriki," I explained.

"Hello, my name is Momiji, I'm the 11th tailed beast, also known as the queen of the other 10 tailed beasts" She introduced herself. Everyone had a shocked face.

"There is still more tail beasts..? un" I heard Deidara-nii say quietly.

"Tell me, how many are you together?" Dad asked Momiji.

"12" Momiji answered. "Oh, if I remembered correctly, Y/n it's your first day at the academy."

"Oh, yea! You're right!"

To Be Continued...

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