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I woke up, disoriented. I had no idea how long I'd been unconscious or how I had ended up like this. I couldn't recall going to bed; in fact, I wasn't in bed at all. There was no mattress beneath me, no sheets above. I felt nothing around me—just a sensation of weightlessness.

Floating? Yes, I was floating. But on what? The air? No, it felt wet. As I opened my mouth to speak, water rushed in, choking me. I coughed, trying to expel the water, but each attempt only caused me to swallow more. I wasn't floating; I was drowning!

The water enveloped me—deep, dense, and impenetrably black. I thrashed about, desperate for a way out, but found nothing to hold onto. I was utterly alone, with no one to save me, not even my beloved Levi. I couldn't even remember how I had lost him.

As despair consumed my thoughts, I realized I was losing my ability to think clearly. Darkness clouded my mind, and my struggles grew weaker. My body was failing me, unable to fight against the suffocating water.

Panic surged within me. I didn't want to die like this, disoriented and alone in the dark. I fought to stay conscious, to find a way out.

Despite my efforts, the reality of drowning set in. My strength ebbed away—first my legs, then my arms. My brain struggled for oxygen; my vision blurred, and my commands went unheeded. I was helpless, facing imminent death.

Desperation drove me to call for help, though my voice was lost in the depths. No one could hear me, see me, or save me. I screamed silently until my consciousness slipped away.

As I faded, an image materialized—a man seated in a the water? This man was unlike anyone I had seen—pearl-white robes, dazzling silver-white armor, a menacing curved sword, long black hair, and...pointy ears?

I had no time to ponder this strange sight though. Delirious and desperate, I cried out to him.

"Help me!" I pleaded silently, fixated on the surreal figure before me. He turned, his expression shifting from stern curiosity to alarmed recognition.

In an instant, his eyes widened with shock.

Our eyes met briefly, then everything faded to black.

**Hey everyone! Thank you for those who have read my story so far! This is my first attempt at an LOTR Fanfic, so hopefully it gets better with time!

Progress has been slow, as I'm watching two little girls at home in the morning while mom is at work and then I work full-time in the afternoon to late evening. But I am making edits and additions to the succeeding parts of the story every day, so please be patient and I'll get things up as soon as possible!**

**Please upvote my story if you feel it worthy of a vote!**

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