My Name Is Ana-A Lord of the Rings Story

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Hi everyone! Welcome to "My Name Is Ana—A Lord of the Rings Story."

I got this idea about two to three years ago during the first few months of 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic (crazy that that started 3 years ago!!!).

I was working from home at my previous job selling Medicare Insurance over the phone, and I was reading another LOTR fanfiction in between calls that was quite well done in my opinion. The author had a Beta (an editor, loosely explained) that helped her fine tune each chapter, but otherwise she understood the original source material from the books very well and masterfully incorporated the character development from such also. Additionally, dialogue from the Peter Jackson trilogy was included with original characters and dialogue of her own as well.

Well, the problem with that story is that her main character who was somehow transported to Middle Earth from...well, Earth, got into a row with Legolas about her true identity (a human that was transformed into an Elf and also had a Maia—a Gandalf-level being, for reference—sharing her mind) after they started developing feelings for each other, but they finally kissed and made up literally minutes before the battle of Helms Deep was about to start.

As far as I know...nothing has been done with that story since January of 2019. So, all of that author's readers were left with a permanent cliffhanger. If anyone knows of that fanfiction and can send it my way as I've unfortunately forgotten the name of it, I would greatly appreciate it!

In light of that cliffhanger, I was inspired to start writing my own fanfiction.

This story concerns an Elf...who doesn't remember she's an Elf, or anything about the Grey Havens, Valinor, the Dark Lord Sauron or anything at all about Middle Earth, until a very prominent member of her race shows her a mirror and starts her on the journey of reclaiming her memory.

I'll let you all read the story and find out what happens...until then, happy reading!

Thank you again for your support and for reading this work—it means the world to me. I've only just started on WattPad as an author, and I have another work in progress as well ("Encanto Meets Doctor Who"—please go read that one too!).

I will add in one little disclaimer: I have done extensive research on the world of Lord of the Rings because I want to stay as true to the original story line as possible, while adding in my own characters and dialogue here and there where necessary. That being said, because I am taking some creative liberties, some timeline elements may not match with the original source material, most notably that concerning the Battle of the Last Alliance (i.e., who some of the combatants were, whether or not I'll include them, when they arrived and when they were killed, and when Elrond, Celeborn and Galadriel became Lords and Ladies of Rivendell and Lothlorien respectively).

Nevertheless, thank you again for coming to this work, and I hope you all enjoy reading "My Name Is Ana—A Lord of the Rings Story."

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