Chapter 1

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Lord Elrond stood on the banks of the Grey Havens as this young Elf burst through the surface, the water breaking and cascading from her center. He'd used his magic to retrieve her, obviously unable to reach her himself as he'd no idea how deep she'd been.

Water streamed from her still form as, under the grasp of his magic, she gently approached the shore.

"Who is she, my Lord?" Lord Elrond's most skilled healer, Eronwir, inquired from his side, bearing a warm, silk blanket. She immediately responded when he'd summoned her.

Lord Elrond barely shook his head, puzzled. "I haven't a clue," he answered quietly. "Never have I seen such a strange-looking Elf."

Strange indeed she was. Long, flowing, ebony brown hair. Not all that unusual for an Elf, were it not for the thin gold streaks throughout her locks. Her skin manifested a dark, olive-toned complexion, with the most unusual attire covering her soaked body.

A thin white material covered her torso with only narrow straps over her shoulders, otherwise, her arms were left bare. Thick blue fabric covered her legs, with strangely patterned black and white coverings on her feet that Lord Elrond could only assume were shoes of some kind.

The strangest part? A gold, diamond-shaped crest on her forehead stood out of place like a sore thumb from her haggard, run-down, waterlogged appearance.

" she?" Eronwir repeated, confounded. Never in all of her two thousand years had she seen such an Elf. The stoic, almost unreadable expression on her Lord's face made it difficult to determine what he was thinking though, so she thought it best to maintain with looking after this new elf's well-being.

As their rescue finally reached the shore, Eronwir quickly unfolded the blanket she'd brought with her and wrapped it around the newcomer.

"What shall we do with her, my Lord?" Eronwir asked.

Lord Elrond shook his head, clueless as to a solution. Never indeed had he encountered an elf such as this, but she could not have come at a more inopportune time.

The armies of Mordor, under the influence of the Dark Lord Sauron and his One Ring of power, were ravaging the free peoples of Middle Earth. Homes, farms, forests, fields, and crops were raized, burned and destroyed as innumerable legions of Orcs, Trolls, Wargs, and all manner of dark creatures raged and slaughtered men, women, and children alike.

In rebuttal, the High King of Men, Elendil of Gondor, called for a Last Alliance of Men, Elves and Dwarves* to march against Sauron's forces and put an end to the darkness.

Quite an inopportune time indeed.

He shook his head again. "I haven't a clue, Eronwir."

The new elf stirred in Eronwir's arms, but did not move more.

A flashback dream

I drove my car full of intense despair in the pouring, pounding rain on the far too slick roads as I cried my eyes out.

I was devastated. I'd just lost my beloved Levi, but I couldn't even remember how. I just knew...I'd never see him again.

Tears angrily ran down my face as I sobbed. I sobbed so hard I couldn't even see, only making the blinding weather all around my car even worse. My knuckles were a ghostly, pasty white, I was gripping the steering wheel so hard.

I tore over the wet roads as I drove far too fast and dangerously for the conditions, but I didn't care. My heart was shattered.

I didn't care about anything anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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