love rival

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Nobita gave small work to Shizuka ... she finished it at the time of 6 pm in evening.... But Nobita is still working.... shizuka is just staring at Nobita while he is doing his work......Nobita completed his work at 7pm. .......He and Shizuka went to home and Shizuka cooked food for both of them...
At dinning table...
Nobita : wow,,, my wife cooked dinner today....
Shizuka : Nobita don't you have any work other than teasing me?
Nobita : no no Shizuka,, I am not teasing you.....
Shizuka : whatever,, now let's enjoy the food before it loses it's heat...
Nobita and Shizuka : Let's dig in.....
They both ate food and Nobita keep praising Shizuka because of her cooked food taste.

Shizuka : Good night Nobita..I am going to bed ..
Nobita : ok Shizuka,, good night.. I am following you .😁
Shizuka : no way....... I will lock the door. Bye...
She went in and locked the door..
Nobita : Shizuka allow me ,,,, This is the only bedroom present in this house...
Shizuka : Then sleep on couch..... Bye...
Nobita : how you be so heartless to your😟🥺 husband.. Nobita slept on Couch.....

Morning ,,,
Shizuka woken up before Nobita and went out of the room to see whether he is awake or not...But she found Nobita sleeping on the couch ...
Shizuka : ( thought : Oh no,, At last I made him sleep on couch in his own home.. That means what he said last night is true......)
Shizuka went it kitchen and prepared breakfast and went to Nobita..He is still sleeping...
Shizuka : Nobita, wake up.. wake up ... Breakfast is ready..  Nobita.....Nobita.......(she moved close to Nobita's face to shout in his ear)
Nobita : hmmmmmmmm.
Nobita opened his eyes slowly and saw Shizuka's face close to his face which made his heartbeat skip ..... ...
Nobita : oh, carry on darling ,, do it fast ,,
Shizuka : what ?????
Nobita : what? Then say me why are you close to me...😏
Shizuka : To shout in your ears to wake you....
Nobita : *sign* what a disappointment....
Shizuka : come on wake up and wash your face ... Breakfast is ready..
Nobita : ok,, just a minute darling..

A few hours later
Nobita : Shizuka , don't prepare for lunch ... Ok
Shizuka : why Nobita?
Nobita : suprise.... Ok🤫(low and secret voice in a cute way)
Shizuka : ok ok...🤭(though: he is so cute☺️)

Nobita took Shizuka on car and stoped car in front of a huge hotel....Nobita got down of the car and open the door of Shizuka's side and extended his hand as for support to Shizuka by holding his hands ..
Nobita : We arrived that place my princess...
Shizuka: ok, ok But Nobita this is embarrassing. You know..
Shizuka saw the hotel and amazed
Shizuka : Nobita , isn't it the famous couple restaurant....
Nobita : Bingo,, my wife is intelligent....
Shizuka : Everyone talks about this restaurant in our school . That's why I also got some knowledge about it .
Nobita : I think you don't know that this restaurant is ours...
Shizuka : oh, is it?(normally)
Wait a minute
Shizuka : what did you say ...?😱
Nobita : come on Shizuka , I am Hungry.. but you are just asking questions...
Shizuka: ok ok but It is shoking news you know ...any way your achievement is great my dear boyfriend..
Nobita : thank you thank you..(felt happy by what Shizuka called him)
Shizuka noticed Nobita is blushing...
Shizuka: why are you blushing Nobita...?
Nobita : It just because what you called me Shizuka...☺️

Shizuka: ho ho ... You look cute while blushing Nobita..
Nobita : thank you dear ........ 

They both walked in... There, many maids are welcome them by bowing....... Many customers there are staring at them as they are watching some big celebrities....

Customer 1 : wow, see them ... There are like made for each other....

Customer 2 : yeah,, and see he is mr.nobi.......

Customer 3 : OMG ! He looks even more handsome in real than in news.....

Customer 4 : yeah... He is......

............. ..... ..... ... .

Shizuka felt somewhat uncomfortable as everyone are staring towards them......    

Nobita wraped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him and whispered.
Nobita : Don't worry Shizuka I am with you.......
Shizuka : .,.......(here face is now even red in colour.)
They both are eating the food ...
SHIZUKA : Nobita , is it ok that,,, that,, that......
Nobita: Don't worry,,, about it Shizuka... Any way it is going to happen one day.......
Shizuka: what?
Nobita : our marriage and official titles like husband and wife..😁
Shizuka : ( face turned red)

They both returned to office......... ,. ,. ,. , ,. ,
One lady with beautiful face. Is siting in waiting hall..... She saw Nobita together with Shizuka..... And thought who the girl next to Nobita.

Nobita : Hello Miko....

Miko : Hello Nobita......

Nobita : hey Miko,, let me introduce you .... She is Shizuka ..,, my wife....

Miko : oh ,, congratulations,,,


Wait a second....
Miko realised what he said..
Miko : what did you say?
Shizuka: you idiot .... Nothing... He said I am her girlfriend.....
Nobita: hey , they both are similar you know...

Miko : what's going on?????????
Nobita : ????????
Miko : Nobita is it for real or ....
Nobita : I am serious Miko
Miko : ok . Ok Shizuka right,,, Nobita .. can I talk to her personally...
Nobita : sure ,, but why?
Miko : personal, boy... You go first
Nobita : ok ok ( what will be that personal for who just met)
Shizuka : ?????????????

Nobita went to his room ...while Miko and Shizuka are standing there....

Miko : ok , coming to the point.... Tell me who are you.?
Shizuka : ??? I am shizuka...
Miko : Tell me the truth, did any one sent you to seduce Nobita ...
Shizuka : what the hell..?? Excuse me miss... Please mind your words .... I am not that kind of person and Nobita is not that easy to anyone to make him fall in their trap.......
Miko : It seems like you know how to talk back very well
Shizuka : (pissed off) what's your problem and speak to me directly...
Miko : ....,..,.,.,.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,.,,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,..,,..,.,.,
Shizuka : Now I got it,... You have crush on Nobita, isn't.. it...?
Miko : (shocked and blushed a little) so what?
Shizuka : Ok ok I got it now... Then I have not to do with you now,, and bye.... I am going to see my husband (pinned the word)
Miko : Do you think you deserve it.. He is rich, handsome, cool , talented, intelligent, ...... But what about you... Are you rich?, Intelligent? Talented? Can even support him in any way????! Come in tell me...... Why are you silent????????? Not dare to speak or there are no answers for my questions????
Shizuka : (thinking) I may not be rich, talented or intelligent like him but I will work hard and grow stronger until I can give him support..    .and all these are non of your business........ So , Don't interfere into these.....

Nobita : what are these guys talking to for this
Much of time...........?
Shizuka entered with annoyed face......
Nobita : Shi.....zu..ka, what's up???? What did you guys discussed for such a long time . .
Shizuka : oh,, It's nothing Nobita .....(her mind recalling Miko's words repeatedly ...."can you give support to him,, are you qualified to be his girlfriend'"".... )

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