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Next Morning :

Suprisingly Nobita woken before Shiuzka .. But the actual suprise is it is 9:00 AM. Shizuka never woke this late.. Nobita was shocked .. He approached Shiuzka and saw her eyes are dry.. he then shocked by knowing she cried yesterday night..

NObita's POV:

. . . . . Did Shiuzka cried.. ( tears are coming out of him by imagining her crying )did I made any mistake. She didn't even shared it with me. I am such a waste . I did even noticed it. i am idiot , idiot... idiot.idiot........ .. such an idiot. idiot,. Ok.. Let's first make coffee..

Nobita went to kitchen to make coffee . He made everything right but suddenly he lost his mind in thinking about what made Shizuka cry. . . . . involuntarly he touched the hot pot.. he burnt his hands.. It was hurting him so badly as the pot was too hot. . But he somewhat calmed down.. ... .

He poured the coffee into the cups and went to Shizuka.. She was still sleeping. . He sat beside her and tried to wake her up.. She was not moving.. He thought of making breakfast. He kept the coffee on the table beside her mobile which is beside her bed . He went to kitchen and prepared every required ingredients .. His hand was paining like hell..

Nobita's POV:

I will make a yummy breakfast and ask for forgiveness .. and reason for her sadness.. I will make her happy.. I will cook by any means this pain is nothing.. Shiuzka ... I am coming..

He completed breakfast with so much of effort. . . He went to the room but the view just made his heart break . .

Nobita's POV: ( his eyes are getting teary.. but still trying hard to keep smile ) Does she hate me that much .. Did I done that much of mistake.. What did I do?? Did she not want to see my face..

He kept the breakfast on the table without wakeing her and kept 2 notes one upon another .He also cleaned up the mess. with his burning hand which is paining . .. ..

1 Note : Eat breakfast as soon as possible before it's heat fades away.

2 Note( this is below the 1 note ) :. Shizuka I am sorry baby.. I am wrong.. I will never repeat my mistake.. Baby Did I done any mistake . Tell me.. Don't hide it Shizuka.. I can handle your angry ,, but I can't handle your ignorance,, I can't ... baby... Soo Sorry.

.then he kept alarm after 5 min .. then he was hiding at the door.. and after 5 min . alarm snoozed . she waked up and saw breakfast on the table.. and she brushed and ate the breakfast.. Nobita saw her having breakfast then he left to office without meeting her...


Nobita entered the office.. His eyes are dead... There is no sign of emotions on his face,,. His mind was thinking all about what made Shiuzka soo sad that she cried.. he has no attention of surroundings.. He eyes are stopping tears from showing up.. The atmosphere at the office was s cold.. No one dared to talk to him .. He kept on working all over the day .. He skipped the luch .. one more thing he didn't even ate breakfast .. .. Nobita's assignment notified him so many time but Nobita just denied to eat every time.. At home Shizuka was still thinking about what miko said to her and her actions yesterday.. She cool a bit and started to think positive..

Shizuka POV :

come on Shizuka ,, Why are you thinking like that.. Nobita is not that kind of person . you know him better than anyone else.. How can you even believe in this kind of nonsense.. You know Nobita is a loyal one and your best friend in your childhood who has pure heart ,. even though he is some what perverted but he is perverted only at me.. ,, only towards me. It is not wrong to be preverted towards me as I am his girlfriend ..( cough: clearing throught a little ) wife.. . .. . .. He is not that kind of person. I trust him .. Yes I trust him..

Nobita text her whether she had luch or not . Shizuka replied normal by ' Yes I had,, What about you " . He got relif on knowing her had lunch.. He replied ' I will eat in a while ' ..

At night at 9 PM .. As office he never stayed this late in office when she is with him.. She was so worried .. She thought there is an important meeting in office so he will come late.. .. Now both of them skipped dinner.. . Nobita was just lost in thoughts ,, He text Shizuka that he will come home late so to eat dinner without any fail and to sleep early without waiting for him.. Shizuka saw the message.. .

At night 11 PM:

Nobita was on the way to home back.. In the mean whille Shizuka took the first note that nobita kept on the table in the morning
.then she noticed the second note below it. . she read and felt sad that she hurted Nobita without knowing.. she was feeling so sad ..

Author POV: Actually the incident that happend on morning is...

the coffee that he kept on table was seen by him broken. he thought shizuka did this on angry on him. but there the actual thing happened is her hand accidentally touched it which she used to off alarm.. she just extended and moved her hand randomly to find phone from the bed.. then the cup  fell down and broke..  this made Nobita misunderstood as she was still angry on him

Nobita was coming home .. .. He entered home and saw lights were are off. He thought that Shizuka was asleep. He entered bedroom and saw her on bed.. he climbed bed but didn't huged her like usual. Shizuka then took initiative and hugged him from behind.. Nobita was amazed.. she pulled his face towards her face and staring into eyes which are coated. With tears..

Shizuka: Nobita I am sorry . . . . I didn't mean to but I just felt bad when I heard .. . But Nobita I trust you ... I love you sooooo much...

She kissed him on lips which is filled with love , care , and wanting attention from Nobita.. Nobita shred his tears out by letting his pain and sadness out by cuddling into her... Shizuka caresses his head.
Nobita : Shizuka what made you sad like that..?
Shizuka : that that.. . Nothing...
Nobita : shizuka say it...
Shizuka said everything on her mind ..
Nobita : Shizuka . I am only yours .. only yours.. I think of her like my sister .. she misunderstood it..... Shizuka you are the only one for me . Ok..
They both cleared everything with kissing each other continuosly.. .

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