💔 broken 💔

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Shizuka: Nobita I am sorry . . . . I didn't mean to but I just felt bad when I heard .. . But Nobita I trust you ... I love you sooooo much...

She kissed him on lips which is filled with love , care , and wanting attention from Nobita.. Nobita shred his tears out by letting his pain and sadness out by cuddling into her... Shizuka caresses his head.
Nobita : Shizuka what made you sad like that..?
Shizuka : that that.. . Nothing...
Nobita : shizuka say it...
Shizuka said everything on her mind ..
Nobita : Shizuka . I am only yours .. only yours.. I think of her like my sister .. she misunderstood it..... Shizuka you are the only one for me . Ok..
They both cleared everything with kissing each other continuosly.. .

They are turning over the bed. The things are getting excited.. no one was resisting ... They are just proceeding ... .. .  Nobita kept his hands on her waist. . and moved his hand to top. . .ther both are hugging each other and cuddling .. . they are wanting more and more attention and physical contact between them.. .  there are rolling all over the bed.. .  Nobita's right hand reached to her shirts bottom button. he slowly unbuttoned it ,, and next and next .. But shizuka was not stopping him from unbuttoning.. . At last he open them then he hugged her tightly

the entire scene was changed here.. Two heart are connecting.. two souls are becoming one.. they are feeling each other as there are want each other attention ans love .. . Nobita was kiss her which was also being returned by Shizuka with same energy and love.. both are pouring their love into each other. 

but suddenly Shizuka just pushed Nobita back . She don't know why,, but she just said

Shizuka : sorry Nobita(some tears in her eyes )

Nobita got no idea on what's going on ,,, why she said sorry ,, is she telling me sorry for pushiung or she don't want to continue. did she lost trust in me.. he just don't know what happening.. . everything is like like... just blankkkkkk.. his heart was attacked.. his eyes are like filled with water.. (tears).But Shuizuka too have no idea on what she did... .

nobita thought she is even crying because of me...

Nobita just got message that there is a meeting at that time .. actually usually he would have delayed it to morning but he just agreeded to it . He said sorry to Shizuka and took car keys .. Shizuka don't know why she said it . Why she said to stop but she is not lost in all the thoughts . She has no idea on what's just happened. She was unable to speak up. Unable to stop him. Unable to explain but she too don't know why..

Nobita : i will be right back. I have a meeting..

Nobita started car and drove off. He is at high speed .. really fast. Tears were falling off. Not know where he is going. Not knowing it is in right route or way. Not knowing. Recalling all her memories and feeling like missing them.. his eyes are becoming blur as tears are running out. He is trying to hold back. But he is not decreasing speed it just keep increase as his mind is not thinking of it. His tears are just rolling off be recall what she told. . . .

nobita's pov:

does she lost trust on me that much what wrong did i done,  i have never saw any other girl the way i see her.. i don't ever think dirty (  romantic ) of other women.. i only have eyes on her. i never tslked to a girl with a motive like love or crush... never.. does it that hard to belive me shizuka ( tears are not comming any more  the pain in his heart was just cannot be recozinized by him )( he is totally felling painless no emotions just like normal.... but not normal ,, his emotions are dead now. ) ( he turned on radio to listen music . the fisrt song appeared is)

at first he would have reacted to that song and turn into crying but now his emotions are no longer alivee.... he just like in a black.. he mind don't know what to do ,, vehicles are passing by ,but nobita was just going with high speed with singing the song lyrics

Can I get to your soul?

Can I get to my thoughts?

Can you promise we won't let go?



'Cause you can't deny

you've blown my mind

When you gon... gonn... gonna (tears are felling off ) stop breaking my heart?




( his vision was just bluring  and rembering shizuka tears when saying him stop)

I hate to see you cry

My love is dying inside

I can fix all those lies

Oh, baby, I run, but I'm running to you

You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside

( when he is in company he was the one who was so much worried about her as that like will she end up dating someone,, or , will she love me back,, can i get her,  he was srying from the wholw time by thinking she was already taken by others.. he n longer can become her husband,, etc,,,. but still he just kept his fake smile not to worry anyone about him.. )

My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you

( he want her kiss .. he is just

Please don't ask me why, just kiss me this time

My only dream,  


    is about you

                          and I( his eyes are falling off  he was just hugging by his empty hands he want her so much ,,, he want her , he want her ,, he is crying, heart is aching, tears are rolling, vision is decreasing, hands are not going under control, his car is on full speed ,, )

( A truck by honking comeing,, the truck driver just did saw nobitass car and it can out of nowhaere as it is on full sppedd and neeed less to say it is sports car... )

the truck ......................................................hitted nobita's car .. nobita was thrown out by the force and both are moveing speedly and nobita;s car so dmaaged that is cannot be repaired and reused,, nobita's seatbelt was torn off and air bags were out of range to save him as it hitted truck which great speed.. Nobita was found on road covered with blood , tears in his eyes,, no one was around to save his, even truck driver was unconcious,,. and.... .

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