fourteen | valentine's day

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"Good morning, Dorian." I greeted her, strutting into the kitchen and towards our Keurig coffee machine.

"Morning, Cat," she called from her easel, already working on a new painting. Her lips pressed together in thought before she dipped a paintbrush into a mixture of blues and greens and started applying them to the canvas. "How'd you sleep?" She questioned lightly, too focused on the task at hand to spare me a glance.

"Well. And you?" I rummaged through the upper drawer of the dishwasher, finding my mug a few seconds later.

"Good, good." She smiled, wiping off her fingers with a damp rag before hopping off her stool and stretching her limbs. They must've been cramped from being in such a limited position for hours. "There was a Valentine's gift that arrived for you earlier this morning."

I had forgotten today was Valentine's Day. "What is it?" I asked, watching as she went to the front to retrieve something.

A couple of seconds later, she returned with a bouquet of red roses. They were a beautiful deep red color. Tucked between the petals was an envelope closed with an ornate wax seal that bore an elegant letter N.

"You should open it and read it out loud. I want to know what it says!" Dorian said.

Happy Valentine's Day, mia bella.

I recalled you mentioned something about red being your favorite color. . ?

I expelled a soft laugh. It was almost as Niccolò were there in person, and I could hear his words and see how the corner of his mouth slant up. I couldn't help but be touched by the fact he remembered even the simplest details of our conversation.

Meet me in the lobby of La Isla Blanca at 5:15 pm. I've planned a night that I'm certain that even you will be impressed by.

— N.

"He's whipped for you, Cat. I can feel it." Dorian called out over my shoulder as I placed the letter back in its envelope. "And you met this man years before?"

"Yes, three years ago when I was seventeen. Niccolò and his father wanted to discuss business matters with my family."

"Damn, how long has he been thinking about you? That's some The Notebook-level shit." She chuckled lightly, tapping her nails against the countertop. "Did you he write you any letters?" She asked, amused. Her eyes twinkled with curiosity.

"No," I scoffed. "Niccolò's not a hopeless romantic. I think he's more of a playboy type. Was he? "But one of the good ones."

"You sure about that, Cat?" She got a cutting board and began slicing a pear. "From the things you tell me he does, it seems like he's fallen for you already, and by the look on your face, it seems like you've fallen for him too." She smiled teasingly, pointing at me with a pear slice. "Look at that, girl, you're cheesin'."

"No, I'm not," I groaned in protest. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Dorian toss the slice into her mouth with a delighted grin. "Niccolò is just a very. . . amusing man." I settled my hands behind my back and peered back at her, shaking my head at the fact she had called me out.

"Mhmm," she hummed before popping her lips, grabbing the bowl of pear slices, and taking a seat in a barstool. "Even you have your softie moments, Cat."

"And if I do. . ? Niccolò doesn't need to know that." I snickered, my back faced to her. Reaching up, I grabbed a box of Tully's Coffee Hawaiian blend k-cups and pulled out a pod. They were my favorite, absolutely delicious. "His biggest flaw is he can be too cocky."

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