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It started out as any normal morning. "Hyung that's my muffin!" Felix pouted as Yeonjun stole his lemon muffin.

"You can have mine." Yeonjun said playfully as he pushed his own strawberry muffin over to the blonde.

"Why don't you just go buy your own lemon muffin?" Beomgyu asked Yeonjun, the oldest would try and steal Felix's every day.

And Felix would always just end up trading with Yeonjun. He wasn't one to argue back against any of his friends, that was both a blessing and curse.

"Here, your lucky I like strawberry." Felix sighed snatching the other muffin as Yeonjun happily took the lemon one.

"And this is why I take chocolatechip ones." Kai said as they all looked at him like he was crazy. "Hey don't look at me like that! Tae eats cranberry ones!" Kai pouted.

They all had their designated muffin flavors, Felix gets lemon, Yeonjun gets strawberry, Soobin gets blueberry, Beomgyu gets cinnamon, Taehyun gets cranberry and Kai gets chocolate chip.

"So, what are we doing today?" Soobin asked as the rest of them. "Cuz it's too nice of a day to sit inside." He added, directing that comment to Beomgyu who would love to sit inside all day and watch movies.

"I want to go to the outdoor shopping center!" Felix said as a chorus of agreements filled the table.

"Well then shopping spree it is!" Soobin said pinching Felix's cheek as the older giggled as he pinched Soobins cheek in return.

So after they left the Cafe they made the short walk to the shopping center and started off by window shopping.

But that's where it all went down.

They had just exited a shoe store that Beomgyu wanted to visit when screams started to feel the air and people were running frantically in every direction.

"What's going on?!" Kai gasped.

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