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"Han you can't be serious." Changbin said as Han stood his ground. "Please, you can't leave us." He added, desperation in his voice.

"Then invite Felix back." Han said, but they all stayed silent. "Then my decision is made, come find me when your ready to apologize to us I guess." Han said.

"I can't let you do this." Bangchan said taking a cautious step forward but before he could even lay a finger on Han, the younger drew his pistol and pointed it at the leader.

"Try and stop me." Han said.

Without lowering the gun or his guard, he grabbed his bag and headed for the door. "Its been fun, you guys were such a good family." Han said whispering the last part more to himself as he ran out the door.

"FELIX!" Han said running around the neighborhood to try and find the Lighter. "Felix wait up!" He yelled again.

Finally he found the older walking towards the old bus stop. "Han?" He asked in shock, he was sure Han would just stick with Straykids since they were litterally family.

"I couldn't bare to watch Bangchan kick you out because of where you were born. Especially when our motto is: Straykids Everywhere All Around The World." Han said.

"And, I want to help you get home." Han said as Felix's heart nearly melted at the younger.

"So it's just the 2 of us." Han said as he held his hand out to Felix who took it with a small smile on his face.

"The 2 of us? I like the sound of that." He said as Han started dragging him off.

"We'll head to my hideout, it's where I used to stay before Bangchan found me, and also where I'd hide when I had a really bad fight with Hyunjin." Han said.

The hideout was another abandoned apartment that required them taking a bus to get close to the destination, it was under lock and key that Han had one too.

"Okay so, what's our 1st step?" Felix asked as Han unpacked his work onto the small coffee table.

"1st, looking at that mirror that brought you here. Maybe if we charge it enough with the energy from our weapons, we could get it to send you back." Han explained.

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