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"WHAT?! WELL HOW DO WE HELP HIM?!" Soobin yelled, panic and fear evident in his eyes.

"Don't worry Soobin, me and this team are working on finding the main source of these monsters, they believe if we kill the source all of this will end." Felix explained.

"And if that doesn't work?" Soobin asked.

"We'll find a cure of some sort. Han's smart, he'll think of something." Felix said, but it sounded more like he was trying to reassure himself.

"Felix, where even are you?" Soobin changed the subject, he didn't recognize any of the surrounding where Felix was.

"I'm actually in the Dark Dimension. When me and Yeonjun were running away from the sound monsters I fell onto this mirror, which seems to be some sort of one way mirror." Felix explained.

"But don't worry, I'm going to find a way back to you guys." Felix said, determination in his voice.

"The others will be glad to hear your safe, Beomgyu has been worried sick about where you were." Soobin said.

"Well what's best is you all stay safe and inside the house as often as possible. How many sound monsters are back home?" Felix asked.

"Its like there is one every corner." Soobin said as Felix sighed deeply.

"I'm going to save you guys I promise." Felix swore. "I better get back, the others might be worried-" Felix said.

"Do the others know your a light?" Soobin said looking Felix up and down, he's been wearing mostly Han and Hyunjin's clothes recently.

"No- they think I have amnesia, and that explains why I don't "know" anything about my past, or where I come from." Felix said.

"That's gonna blow up horribly in your face." Soobin said as Felix rolled his eyes.

"I didn't have much of a choice! They are the only ones that can help us." Felix said.

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