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"Oh, well I made brownies so I hope they can cheer you guys up." Felix smiled as their eyes lit up with joy.

"I don't think I've had brownies in 10 years!" Seungmin said taking one and biting into it. "Oh my god these are fantastic." Seungmin said.

"He's right, you've got to try them guys!" Changbin said with a mouthful as he began to reach for another one.

They all began to take them, even Hyunjin but after he tried them he just mumbled that they're okay, but everyone could see the pleased smile on his face.

"I.N? Come on you have to try them." Bangchan said to the youngest who was standing quietly.

"Yeah, I'll just take a few with me." He muttered as he grabbed 3 on a napkin and left the kitchen without another word.

"I'll go check on him, he's probably tired." Han said as one by one the others left the kitchen after their share of brownies.

"You are full of surprises Felix, who knew you could cook AND bake." Lee Know said ruffling Felix's hair once the 2 were the last 2 in the kitchen.

"Thanks Lee Know, I'm glad you like them." Felix said.

"Minho, you can call me Minho." He smiled as it was Felix's turn to light up, and the younger couldn't help but tackle the older in a hug.

The sweet moment was cut off by a scream.


Minho tensed and quickly pulled away from the hug. "What one earth was that?" Felix asked as Minho's skin paled.

"I.N" Minho breathed out as the 2 took off running to the sound, and the others were there aswell, all surrounding the doorway.

I.N was sitting on the floor, his hands pressed against his mouth to silence himself as he cried helplessly.

"I.N's infected." Bangchan warned as they gasped.

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