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Felix woke up a few hours later, but his mind was still in a dangerous haze, he couldn't speak or hear everything being said to him correctly, it all sounded like a scratchy record.

He managed to sit up and bed, despite his body feeling numb. He rocked backed and forth, staring into nothing with glassy eyes.

He didn't even react to Han and I.N saying his name or when they cautiously touched his shoulder. He just kept rocking.

"Can you get me some ice water and a washcloth I.N, maybe we could snap him out of this daze." Han suggest as I.N nodded and dashed off to the kitchen.

"Here." I.N said returning with a cup and a cloth, Han dipped the water and carefully started to dab Felix's face and neck.

"Hey Felix, it's okay. You're okay, and safe." Han whispered as I.N took the olders hand and ran his thumb over Felix's nuckles

It took a good solid hour for Felix to snap out of it, a loud gasp leaving his lips as his grip on I.N's hand tightened.

"Hi." I.N said a small smile on his face as Han brings a glass off water up to his lips. "How are you feeling?"

"Like someone beat my head with a bat." Felix groaned, which wasn't a lie. He had a pounding headache.

"I'll go get the advil bottle from Bangchan's office." I.N said leaving him and Han alone.

"Do you think you remember anything about your past?" Han asked as Felix looked at him with an amused smile.

"Trying to get rid of me that quickly?" Felix asked as Han's eyes widened as he shook his head rapidly.

"No no no! I want you to stay more than anything... I think we can be good friends." Han mumbled the last part.

"Aren't we not friends already." Felix laughed as Han's eyes lit up with hope. "Because I'm so down for being friends!" Felix said.

"Omg yes! We'll be the BEST of friends, I don't really click with anyone in the group, I'm "too young" for Lee Know, Changbin and Bangchan. And too old for Seungmin and I.N." Han said.

"And Hyunjin's the only one my age but we cleary will never get along." Han said with an eye roll.

"How old are you?" Felix couldn't believe he was now just asking this.

"Me and Hyunjin are 22, born in 00." Han said as Felix's eyes widened. "I'm born in 2000 aswell!" He said.

"It's definitely fate then!"

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