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Ju-won let her finish her work early today so she can get a nice sleep before her interview tomorrow. She couldn't be more grateful of it, soon she reached the apartment. Quickly she freshen up herself, she looked over the pile file that she had been prepared for the interview tomorrow. She checked over it one last time, making sure she didn't left anything out.

She knows how anxious she is for tomorrow, Heejin being an angel has help her to prepare her attire for tomorrow. She stared at the attire hanging at the back of her door, almost startled when her phone ringing. She looked up and Yoongi name on the screen.


Hello Joo. Yoongi here.

I know. Sup?

Nothing. How are you feeling?
Ready for tomorrow?

I have prepared almost everything.
A bit nervous I guess.

I see. You have nothing to be worried for.
You gonna be great at yourself, no doubt.

You will be there tomorrow?

Of course I am, rest well tonight.
I see you tomorrow.



Thank you for everything. I owe you big times
And thanks for calling me as well.

Most welcome Joo. Goodnight.

Night Yoongi.

She put down the phone, making sure it charge and set the alarm clock at 630am. She switch off the bed light and pulled her duvets. However the thought of tomorrow interview playing on her mind making hard for her to fall asleep. So she count, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. and it goes until 94.. 95.. 96.. and she starting to feel drowsy and fall a sleep.


Yoongi was pacing front and back in the room. He was early today to reach at Hybe building.

"Why am I this nervous, it's not me who going to be interview later. Argh, this is so trustfrated" Muttered himself looking at the clock which now ticking at 8.30 in the morning. He ruffling his hairs in frustration, somehow startled by one voice who notice his situation now.

"Ah, Yoongi. You early today! Miracle!" the guy came inside the room and now seated infront of him.

"Morning, Pdogg-nim. The traffic is smooth today, I guess that's what make I'm early today!" Yoongi blushed saying that knowing its not the truth.

"I see. Then why are you looking so nervous here?" Pdogg teased him with a small smirk. Obviously the gossip has went spread between the managers.

"I am not! And stop with that smirk. I don't care what your thinking!" Yoongi huffed looking outside the window.

"Hahaha, I'm gonna go grab some coffee for me now. I'll see you later at the room." He make his way out with small chuckle which make Yoongi even more annoyed.

By the time 900am Yoongi was called to the meeting room. When he walk there, he glance to the sit infront of them. There is Joo sitting straight up on her chair, making small smile to him. He nodded his head to Joo and grab the sit next to Bang Pd-nim. The meeting was joined by 4 other producer included Namjoon and Hobi.

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