I promise

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Warning this is book two in the series.

~Ginny's POV~

We have been in Egypt all summer, I have wrote Draco everyday since we left. We were leaving egypt in the next hour,and I would be going to the Malfoy Manor. We would be arriving back home a week before terms start. When all the other Weasleys go home, I will be going to the Malfoy manor to see Draco. I haven't seen him since we left. I missed him so much, I missed his smell of apples and his tight hugs. My family had everything packed and I made a last minute list of things that I might not have packed and needed before they sent me my truck. I give my family a hug and the list of things I need. I put the floo powder in my hand "Malfoy Manor." I say and I am in the Malfoys living room. I can hear Draco in the kitchen. "Is it all ready? She will be here soon." I hear him say. I quietly sneak through the house. I run into Narcissa, quickly putting my finger to my lips asking her to not say a word. She gives me a small hug and smiles before walking away. I can see Draco bossing the house elves around making sure everything was perfect. He has grown so much over the summer, he is definitely taller and his face has grown. I jump behind the door being careful he didn't see me, he passes the door opening heading towards the table. I step through the doorway placing my arms around him. "Blimey Ginny you startled me." He says pulling me into a hug. "I've missed you." I say. "I've missed you to darling." He says. "What do you have here?" I ask. "Just a little something to show you how much I have missed you." He says, pulling me to the table. "Did you cook all of this?" I ask. "Of course not, I did make desert tho." He says. We sit down and talk about different things while we eat. "How was Egypt?" He asks. "Would you believe me if I told you it was boring, there was so much history. It was a great learning experience tho, and it was good spending time with my family but if we are being honest I would have rather spent the summer here with you." I say. "Well we have this week to make up for a summer." Draco says. I smile at him "Well let's get started what's up first?" I ask him.  "Are you tired from your trip?" He asks. "No not particularly." I say. "Well then let's go to Diagon Alley and get you something pretty." He says. "You don't have to do that." I say. "Nonsense darling I want to get you something new and I will." He says. "Mom we will be back later do you need anything from Diagon Alley?" Draco yells. "No Draco be safe and be back before dark." She says. We walk over to the fireplace and he grabs the floo powder passing some to me. I step into the fireplace dropping the floo powder "Diagon Alley." I say and I am in the Leaky Cauldron. I step out of the fireplace waiting for Draco. Draco comes out of the fireplace and from behind us we hear "Ginny what are you doing here?" it was my mom. "We are getting Draco's school supplies." I say lying to her. "Here I forgot to send you with this." She says pulling out twenty gallons. "Thank you mom." I say hugging her. "That's all I can give you for the year so don't spend it all in one place." My mom says. "Take care of her." My mom says while turned toward Draco. "Always." He says. 

We walk out of The Leaky Cauldron and Draco pulls me down an alleyway. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I'm fine." I lie. "Your lying. Talk to me." He begs. "I hate when she gives me money I know we don't have much and she does the best she can." I say. He pulls me into a hug. "If you need more for throughout the school year, or you need anything at  all you let me know." He says. "Thank you Draco." I say. "Let's go get some lunch and a beautiful girl a beautiful thing." He says giving me a smirk causing me to blush. We walk around Diagon alley, Draco picks up a few things he needs for school. Draco grabs my hand giving me a twirl, which earns us a few looks. I definitely have noticed that Draco has grown so much since I was gone.  His hair has grown longer and his facial features have matured. I was still so young and not as grown up looking as the other girls in Slytherin. I don't see what Draco sees in me. We walk into the jewelry store. " Pick out whatever you like darling." He says to me. I walk around looking at all the beautiful necklaces and rings. "Which one do you like?" He asks me. "I'm not sure they're all so beautiful. I don't really want another necklace, I love the one you got me for christmas." I say tugging at my necklace. Draco walks over to a section of the store while I browse the earing section and they have tons of pretty jewelry but only one caught my eye. 

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