Buckbeak and Scabbers

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The sunlight peered into the room through the curtains. I thought back to last night and the memories begin flooding in. I dragged myself out of bed pulling my robes out. I begin to change when I notice the giant bruise on my arm, there was no way I could cover it luckily my robes are long. I made my way to the common room, most students were already in the great hall.  I made my way out of the common room and I looked around hoping to see the blonde slytherin at the end of the hallway like he has done everyday since first year but he was not there. I let out a sigh and continued walking through the hallways making my way to the great hall.

I enter the great hall and I feel like all eyes are on me. I walk to the Gryffindor table and take a seat next to Ron. "Good morning." I say. "How are you doing Ginny?" Hermione asks. "I'm quite well." I say taking a piece of toast. "Hey you have food over at the Slytherin table." Ron jokes. I guess Harry didn't tell him about last night. "I think I'm gonna stay over here today if that's okay." I tell them. "Why trouble in Slytherin paradise?" Hermione asks. "Hermione drop it." Harry says nugging her. "What's wrong?" Ron asks. "Nothing just missed my brothers is that a problem?" I ask. "Ginny are you okay?" A voice from behind me asks. I turn around and I see a worried Blaise. "Yea I'm great." I tell him with a smile hoping he won't say anything. "How's your arm?" Blaise asks. "What's wrong with your arm Gin?" Fred asks. "Nothing." I say lying through my teeth. Blaise grabs my arm gently pulling the sleeve up, I look at him my eyes pleading with him begging him not to do this. "Ginny what happened." They all ask. I felt my chest begin to tighten and the tears streamed down my face. "Draco grabbed her last night and he punched me in the face and oh yea did I mention he cheated on her with Pansy Parkinson." Blaise says. "He did this to you?" Ron asked no more like demanded to know the answer. He was angry and I knew this wouldn't end well for anyone. It was time for class and students started leaving the Great Hall. "Have you told anyone Gin?" Fred asks. "No." I say quietly before getting up and walking to divination.

The walk to class was long, Blaise walked with me. He tried to make me laugh any chance he could. "I can't do this, I can't face him." I tell Blaise. "You can do anything and I'll be damned if I let you think you can't face him." Blasie says. He pulls me into a hug and we walk into the classroom, I take my seat next to Daphne. I could feel the stares on the back of my neck. I looked over to Ron who was giving Draco death glares. I didn't even have to look at what he was looking at to know it was Draco. Professor Trelawney came in and started class today we were working with crystal balls. "Relax, Let your mind go." Professor Trelawney says. "It's easy for her to say she wasn't just cheated on." I whisper to Blaise which causes him to bust out laughing. Blaise snakes his arm around for support. Professor Trelawney continues her lesson. "Crystal-gazing requires that you clear the Inner eye. Only then, will you see. Oh my, What do we have here?" She says, "Here we go again. It's the Grim! It's the Grim!" Hermione says. "My dear, from the moment you first arrived in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination. You may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as old maids, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave." Professor Trelawney says causing Hermione to leave the room and knock her crystal ball over. "In late spring, one of our numbers will leave us forever! You knew, Professor. You" Lavender says. "On these occasions, I take no joy in my gift, Miss Brown." Professor Trelawney says.  with a sad look. 

Class was over and I started gathering my things. "Can we talk?" The voice is none other than Draco Malfoy. Ron, Blaise, and Harry gather around me. "No you can't." Ron says. I grab my things and stand up.  "They can't stay with you forever." Draco shouts walking out of the room. Harry picks up the crystal ball Hermione knocked off the table. The ball started to become smoky. "He will return tonight." Professor Trelawney says behind us. "Who will return?" I ask. "Tonight, when the clock strikes twelve, the servant shall break free. He and his Master shall be reunited. It cannot be prevented." Professor Trelawney says. She places her hand on Harry's shoulder. "So sorry dear boy. Did you say something?" Professor asks. "No nothing." Harry says quickly pulling everyone out of the room.

"What was that about?" I ask Harry. "I'm not sure." Harry says. We make our way to Hagrid's hut. "I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible." Hermione says. "It just got worse." Harry says. I look over to see Draco with Crabbe and Goyle spying on Hagrid with binoculars. "Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf? Oh, this is going to be rich. Did I tell you, Father said I can keep the head." Draco says. I couldn't believe him, maybe he was always cold hearted and I just didn't see it. "Ah. Come to see the show?" He asks. "You.. foul.. loathsome.. evil... little cockroach." Hermione screams pushing her wand into Draco face. "Hermione! No!" I Scream.  She turns and looks at me. "He's not worth it." I say sadly. Hermione gives me a slight nod and punches Draco in the jaw causing him to fall to the ground. Stunned Draco jumps up running away. "That felt good." Hermione says, this causes me to laugh I pull her into a hug. "Thank you."  I say. She gives me a smile. We walked past Buckbeak who was chewing on a ferret. I opened the door and walked in, Hagrid was standing by the window looking at Buckbeak. "Look at 'em. Loves the smell o' the trees when the wind blows." Hagrid says. "I say we set him free." Harry says. "They'd know I did it. And tha' would only get Dumbledore in trouble. Gonna come down, yeh know. Says he wants ter be with me when it... when it happens. Great man, Dumbledore." Hagrid says. "We'll stay with you too, Hagrid." I say giving him a soft smile. "Yeh will not! Think I wan' yeh seein' a thing like this! No. Yeh'll be off, But before yeh do I wan'ter see you an' Ron shake hand." Hagrid says looking towards them. "Think' I haven' seen 'ow it's been betw'n you two?  Go on now." Hagrid says. Harry and ron extend their hands and shake them. "Good. Now then. Ron I wan'ter see you give Hermione a hug." Hagrid says. "What?" Hermione and Ron shout together. "Go on! You two've been at it all year. An' I'm sick o' it. Acutely uncomfortable." Hagrid says. Hermione and Ron step forward and perform one of the most akward hugs I've ever seen. "Crikey, tha's jus' abou' the most pathetic hugs I e'er seen. But yeh did it, an' tha's wha' matters. There's jus' one other thing." Hagrid says. "I'm not kissing fang if that's what you're thinking." Ron interrupts. Hagrid moves from the window and into the kitchen, he opens the flour jar and a small creature pokes out the top of the jar. "Scabbers! You're alive!" Ron screams. "Yeh should keep a closer eye on yer pets, Ron." Hagrid says. "I think you owe someone an apology." Hermione says. "Right . Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know. "I meant me ." Hermione snaps. "Crinkey. Here we go agin." Hagrid says. All of a sudden a glass jar on the shelf shatters and bounces and hits Harry in the back of the head. "Ow!" Harry yells putting his hand on the back of his head, he looks out the window. "Hagrid." Harry calls. We all look out the window to Dumbledore and Fudge approaching behind them was the executioner. "Yeh gotta go! It's almost dark. Anyone sees yeh outside the castle ot'll be in trouble! Big trouble! 'Especially you, Harry." Hagrid says. There's a loud bang at the door. We make our way out the back door. 

We are hiding behind the pumpkin patch when fudge appears in the window. A shhh is heard and I turn around. "What?" Harry asks. "Nothing, I just thought I saw.... Never mind." I say. We go to the treeline. The clocktower bell tolls. They are going to kill Buckbeak now, I turn my head into Harry's shoulder and he puts his arm around me. 

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