Unwelcome Guest

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~Draco's POV~

Sirius Black hadn't been seen since that night and classes were going back to normal. "I need to talk to you tonight." Blaise says to me. "I know, and we will." I tell him. We stand waiting for Ginny at the end of the hallway. Ginny comes out of the common room. "Hello boys." She says with her captivating smile. "Good morning Beautiful." I say leaning down kissing her forehead. Blaise rolls his eyes and I give him a look. "Come on let's go get breakfast." Blaise says. 

We made our way into the Great Hall and Ginny parted ways with us and headed to the Gryffindor table. She started doing this after her run in with Sirius Black. I sit down at the table and I make Ginny a plate for when she comes over. I put some grits and bacon on her plate and got her a glass of Orange Juice because it is her favorite.  Ginny came back over to the table. "Thank you." She says to me. "My pleasure Darling." I tell her. She sits down and starts eating. 

The day went per usual classes were boring and the day ended. Ginny was busy with Hermione in the Library. Soon it was dinner time and I was starving, I sat down and grabbed food. Everyone was making small talk around me about winter plans because Christmas was approaching. "Are you coming to my house for the first part of the break and then we can go to yours the second half just like last year?" I ask Ginny. "That sounds good to me." She says with a smile. Pansy scoffs. "Do you have a problem pug face?" Ginny asks. "You guys just seem so happy." Pansy says flashing a smile. "Come on let's go." I tell Ginny. I didn't want this to escalate and Pansy say something to hurt Ginny. We walk out of the Great Hall and I grab Ginny's hand as we walk to the dungeons. "I'm going to take a shower." She tells me. "Okay darling. 

I walked into my  room that I shared with Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle and Blaise was sitting on his bed. "Let's talk." I tell him. He nods at me. "I just have one question." Blaise says. "What is it?" I ask. "Did you cheat on Ginny?" He asks me. This took me by surprise. "You cheated on her with Pansy all summer didn't you?" He asks. "What makes you  think that?" I ask him trying to avoid this as much as possible. "Pansy told me." He says. "And you believe a word that comes out of her mouth."  I tell him. "I do. Why would she have a reason to lie?" He says. "To cause problems in my relationship." I tell him. "Did you sleep with her?" Blaise asks. I can tell now that my face gave it all away. "You did!" He screams at me. "Let me explain." I tell him. "Go ahead please explain because the way I see it, you cheated on Ginny and you're lying to her about it." Blaise tells me. "Your right I cheated on Ginny while she was gone, I stayed at Pansy's house until Ginny came home and I regret it. Ginny means everything to me and I don't want to lose her. I made a mistake." I tell him. "Why did you do it if you love her so much?" Blaise asks me. "She was there and Ginny wasn't, I was stupid if I could go back and change I really would." I tell him looking down. "I just don't get why you would do that." He tells me. "Please don't say anything." I beg Blaise. "I'll think about it." He tells me. "If you do tell her, will you let me know so I can prepare for it." I ask.  "I suppose I can do that." Blaise says. "Thank you." I tell him. Blaise leaves the room and I lose it as soon as the door is shut. I place my hands on my face I have really messed up. 

~Blaise POV~

I just talked to Draco, it's true he cheated on Ginny with Pansy. I couldn't believe she was right, I couldn't believe Draco would even do that to her. What am I supposed to do, should I tell her? I was running through the hallway. I quite literally crashed into someone knocking them down to the ground. "Hey watch where you're going." The person says. I look down and of course the person I knocked over is none other than Ron Weasley. "I'm sorry." I say as I run away. 

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