Pansy fucking Parkinson

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~Harry POV~ 

I woke up in the infirmary, I reached my hand over and opened the curtain, Ron laid in the bed across from me. Hermione was pacing the room and Ginny sat laying her head on the side of the bed holding her brother's hand.  "Harry." Hermione calls. "I saw my dad." I say. 

~Ginny POV

I was laying on Ron's arm holding his hand, I didn't want to leave his side in fear something would happen. "Ginny." Ron says softly. "Hmmm." I say. "You need to head back to the Slytherin common room and get some sleep." Ron says. "I don't want to leave your side." I tell him. "We've got him Ginny go rest." Hermione says. I knew this was a losing battle so I let out a sigh and hugged my brother. "I'll be back after dinner." I assure him. I walk through the empty corridors most students were in their classes. I muttered the password and entered the common room. 

The common room was quiet, the sounds of the fire was the only thing I could hear. I walked toward the fire trying to warm up, even tho the weather was warm my body couldn't get warm.  "Are you okay?" A voice says from behind me. I let out a sigh, the one person I didn't want to see was around. "Draco, I really don't want to talk." I tell him. "I didn't ask if you wanted to talk, I asked if you were okay." He says. "I'm fine." I tell him. "I heard what happened." He says. "Look, I really don't want to talk to you." I tell him harshly. I finally turned and faced him, he was taken aback by my words. He looks like he hasn't slept. "Ginny please can we talk about this." He begs. "There's not much to talk about, you cheated on me with Pansy fucking Parkinson. If you couldn't tell were over." I say, it broke my heart saying that to him but it had to be said. He was hurt by my words and the pain in his eyes broke me even more. "Please, I made a mistake Ginny you're the best thing in my life." He says tears streaming down his face. "If I was the best thing in your life you wouldn't have cheated on me." I say. "Ginny it is not like that." He says. "Did you sleep with her?" I ask. He looks away not meeting my gaze. "It's not like that.' He says again. "Did you sleep with her?" I scream. "Yes." He screams back. Now it was my turn for the tears to stream down my face. I pull the earrings out of my ears and go to place them in his hands. "What are you doing?" He asks. "I won't be needing these anymore maybe Pansy would enjoy them." I tell him crying. "Ginny please." He says. My shaky hands meet the clasp of my necklace and I unclasp it dropping it in Draco's hand. "Please Ginny don't do this." He begs again, I was sobbing at this point. I look down at my hand remembering the night he gave this to me. "Ginny please don't" He cries. "You promised to love me forever, told me you wanted me to be the only girl you kiss for the rest of your life but it was all a lie." I say pulling the ring off my finger and placing it in his hand. "Ginny it wasn't a lie." He says. "Save it, were done here." I say and run out of the common room. 

I fell on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest, everything I knew was a lie. I cried as I remembered everything he said to me.

~Draco's POV~

I went to the common room I didn't care if I got in trouble for skipping classes I didn't want to be around people. I grabbed a book and sat in the common room, I lit the fireplace hoping it would calm me down which it didn't. I didn't know how long I had been sitting there until the door to the common room opened. The fiery red head that I love walked in and headed toward the fire place. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Draco, I don't really want to talk." She tells me. Her words cut deep she was upset and it was all my fault. "I didn't ask if you wanted to talk, I asked if you were okay." I tell her. "I'm fine." She says. I knew she was lying, I need to get her to talk to me I can't lose her. "I heard what happened yesterday." I tell her nonchalauntly. "Look I really don't want to talk to you." She says harshly. This took me off guard she really does hate me, she turned and looked at me. Her eyes were full of pain that I caused. "Ginny please can we talk about this?" I ask, it was a long shot. "There's not much to talk about, you cheated on me with Pansy fucking Parkinson. If you couldn't tell were over." She says. Her words broke my heart and I can't believe I did this to her. "Please, I made a mistake. Ginny you're the best thing in my life." I tell her, I can feel the tears streaming down my face. "If I was the best thing in your life you wouldn't have cheated on me." She says. What am I supposed to tell her she was right.  "Ginny it is not like that." I tell her. She looked at me and with a straight face she asked. "Did you sleep with her?" I look away not wanting to look at her. "It's not like that." I tell her. "Did you sleep with her?" She screams. "Yes." I screamed back at her. I was angry but not at her, I was angry with myself. She started to cry and I felt terrible. She took her earrings out of her ears 'What are you doing?" I ask. "I won't be needing these anymore, maybe Pansy would enjoy them." She tells me crying placing the earrings in my hand. Her hands were shaking and cold as they touched my hand. "Ginny please." I beg her. I watch her take her necklace off crying as she places it in my hand. "Please Ginny don't do this." I beg her again. She was sobbing as she looked at her hand. "Ginny please don't." I cry. "You promised to love me forever, you told me you wanted me to be the only girl you kiss for the rest of your life but it was all a lie." She says. She pulls the ring off her finger and my heart breaks. "Ginny it wasn't a lie." I say. "Save it, were done here." She says running out of the common room.     

I threw my fist through the wall, I never wanted to hurt her but I let my selfish ways get in control. I looked down at the jewelry she always wore and I cried. The common room door opened again except this time it wasn't her it was Blaise, he hasn't talked to me since that night. As I sat in the common room looking at her things and thinking of everything I lost. "Those her things?"  Blaise asks. "Yea we just officially broke up and she gave them back." I say not taking my attention away from her things. 

"I don't know why I did it I really don't." I tell him. He gives me a confused look. "She ran out of here crying and the whole time we were talking I just felt like shit because I love her dude I really do." I tell him. "You're gonna have to give it time, school will be over in a few weeks give it the summer and hope nobody thinks shes as lovely as you do." He tells me as he places his hand on my shoulder. He walks out of the common room most likely going back to class as I sit here crying thinking about how I've lost the love of my life. 

~Blaise POV~

I walked through the corridor hoping to run into Ginny since Malfoy said she ran out. I looked down every hallway I passed until I heard the quiet sobs of Ginny Weasley. I take a seat next to her but she doesn't acknowledge me. I pull her into my chest and she just cries. "There, there let it all out." I tell her rubbing her back. 

I never thought of Ginny Weasley as more than a friend until this moment but I couldn't act on these feelings at least not right now. "Ginny." I say to her. I didn't think I would get her to actually look at me but her tear stained face looked up at me. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying and I felt terrible for her. "If he couldn't see what a great person you are and be loyal to you then you do not need him because you Ginny Weasley are extraordinary and you don't need a boy to tell you otherwise." I say to her. Her big green eyes looked up at me. "You really think so?" She asks. "Of course I do." I say. I helped her up and pulled her into another hug. "Blaise." She says. "Hm." I respond. "will you hang out with me this summer?" She asks. "Of course I will." I tell her. A smile creeps on her face and I smile back at her. "Now this is the you that I like the one that's smiling." I tell her. She blushes and shoves me. "Lets get to class before Snape kills us." I tell her as we make our way to potions.

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