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~Blaise POV~ (new POV)

I walked into Hogsmeade with Pansy and Millicent. Draco had said he wanted to spend time with Ginny so I let them be. We walked into Honeydukes and Pansy and Millicent ordered tea and sweets. They sat down and started their normal conversation with gossip. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying. I stare out the window, watching the people pass. I see Draco and Ginny head into the school supply store. Pansy must have seen them because she changed the topic to them. "I don't understand why they are still together." Pansy says with a scoff. "He really likes her Pansy, just let them be." I tell her. "You think he really likes her?" Pansy asks. "I think he does, he got her this gorgeous promise ring for their one year anniversary. I would say he's pretty committed." I tell her. "I don't think committed is the word I would use." She tells me with a smirk on her face. "Why not?" I ask her. She clearly knew something and she wanted me to ask, I was falling into her trap. "She was gone all summer correct?" Pansy asks. "She was gone all the way until the week before the term started." I am interested to see where Pansy is going with all of this.  She lets out a laugh and looks at me as if I am dumb. "Draco was at my house all summer or at least until the last week when he told me he was going to your house until term starts." She says. I look at her not wanting to believe a word she has just said. Draco would never do that to Ginny, he cares about her too much. Pansy leans in close to me and whispers. "Not only did he spend the summer with me, there were many late nights if you know what I mean." She made sure Millicent didn't hear what she said. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I excuse myself and head toward Hogwarts as I walked out of the store and headed down the pathway I saw Ginny and Draco ahead of me. I made my up to them walking quickly, I was on a mission. I walk in front of them, "I need to talk to you." I tell Draco. "Can it wait until we get back to Hogwarts after Dinner?" He asks me. "Yes we can talk tonight in the room." I tell him. I couldn't face him any longer I wanted to hurt him for what he's done to Ginny but I need to make sure the rat wasn't lying to me. I turn and walk away from them and I make my way back to the castle.

~Harry POV~

Everyone had gone to Hogsmeade and came back, the halls buzzed with stories as students walked through them. "And the post office! It's about two hundred owls, all sitting on color coded shelves, depending on how fast you want your letter to go!" Hermione says with a great big smile. We sit at the Gryffindor table and start eating. "And Honeydukes is brilliant! Sugar Quills, Flaming Whizbees and Blood-flavored lollipops for Halloween!" Ron says. I nod in agreement with him. I pick through a spread of sweets on the table. I wasn't upset that I didn't get to go because I still got to go but I wish I had as much fun as everyone else. "But, I mean, after awhile, it got a bit boring. Don't you think, Ron?" Hermione asks giving him a shove with her elbow. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. Dead depressing. Hang on. I almost forgot. I got you something wicked at the Dervish and Banges. It's a Pocket Sneakoscope." Ron says placing the small top and spinning it on the table. "If there's someone untrustworthy around, it's meant to light up and spin. Mind you, Fred and George say it's rubbish, sold for wizard tourists, but I thought, you know, it can't hurt, given that." Ron says and pauses not sure whether to go on or not. "Sirius Black's trying to kill me." I say looking up and grinning. "I'm glad you had a good time. Really. And Thanks for this. Rubbish or not, you're right. It can't hurt." I say as I pick up a peppermint and stick it in my mouth. "Oh, be careful of those, they'll make you." Ron starts. Smoke curls from my ears and nose. "Nevermind." Ron says. I see Ginny get up and walk out of the Great Hall I had to catch her. "I'll be right back." I say as I take a sip of water and getting up to leave. 

I run out of the Great Hall. "Hey Ginny wait up." I called her. "Hey Harry what's up?" She asks. "Nothing, I have a question for you. If you're not busy later could you meet me in the Astronomy room. I'm learning a new spell to defeat those things that attacked us on the train and I want you to do it with me if you want to." I tell her hoping she would agree. I look down "Just tell me when and I will be there, if there's a way to defeat these things I want to know." She tells me. "Meet me tonight just after lights out." I tell her. "See you soon." She says. She turns and heads down to the Slytherin common room, I couldn't wait for tonight. 

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